
Thursday, May 15, 2008

And the Mousie goes to. . . .

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Faire Garden has won the Mouse and Trowel award for Best New Blog, which PATSP was up for. I suppose I'm okay with that, though I'll admit to being a little disappointed. The other results are here.


  1. Dammit Mr. S.! I had voted for you! Too bad... I still think your's the cooler one though...

  2. Mr. S, I checked out the other blog, and find it to be a bit dry...I much prefer your humor, anecdotes and the way your blog has feeling and meaning along with those chuckles that you throw in there. It goes really well with my morning coffee.

    You may have not gotten the little award, but to us faithful readings, we are rewarded with your personality every day.

    Keep up the great work!!!

  3. Well. I don't have anything against FG: it must be noted that she's waaaaaaay better about responding to comments than I am, and so she's got a much tighter community there. Plus the photos are frequently quite excellent. I mean, I'm not disappointed because I think I lost to an inferior blog: FG is great. I just thought I might win, and I didn't, therefore disappointed. But wev.

    Considering how many gardening blogs are out there, there's no shame in coming in third (or, dare I hope, second) anyway.

  4. I still think you should have won. Your blog is original, informative and very entertaining. Yup, you should have won...

  5. Hi Mr. Subjunctive, I appreciate your nice words and think our blogs are quite different in content. I also appreciate your fan's loyalty to you. I was honestly very surprised to win. Like you, I felt it was nice to be one of the final three. Thanks for your good sportsmanship.

    Frances at Faire Garden

  6. Well, I LOVE PATSP and clearly lots of folks feel the same way.

  7. Don't be disappointed. Every blog has its strengths. As you note, Frances has great community appeal. She interacts with her audience and posts voraciously. And has lots of photos.

    This doesn't mean you should follow suit. Your blog has great writing--the ideas are interesting and thought-provoking, the writing both funny and informative. You've found a dedicated audience which, I'm sure, will continue to grow.
