
Sunday, May 11, 2008

One last bit of bribery: three kitties and a motorcycle

For anybody who's been putting off voting in the Mouse & Trowel awards, just one last reminder that it's almost too late to do so. Voting ends at midnight on May 13th (the site says EST, but wouldn't it be EDT? Or is Colleen in one of those places that doesn't do Daylight Savings Time? And is that the midnight that begins May 13, or the midnight that ends May 13? In any case, it'll be midnight somewhere, on some day, when voting is officially over. Probably somewhere in North America. And it'll be soon. So go vote for somebody, if you haven't.).

Also if you really, really want to vote for Garden Rant, I'm okay with it. I think. Though my houseplants and I are still waiting for an apology. And, frankly, the Dieffenbachias are getting a little angry. Watch your back, Amy. They're not fast movers, but they're motivated.

So but check it out. Three kitties and a motorcycle:

Photo from Caption by Mr_Subjunctive.

Photo from Caption by Mr_Subjunctive.

Photo and caption both from

Photo and caption both from


  1. Still sitting on the fence about us, I see. Must be because we're SUCH complex people you just can't figure us out. Or is that just in my dreams?

  2. (shhh...don't tell anyone, but I voted for you. . .)

  3. I voted for you in many different categories. Your writing style, the wealth of information you provide and your wonderful sense of humour make this site irresistible. I'd hoped you would rank very high in a variety of categories. I still do. Good luck to you; you deserve to win.

  4. What was the outcome of this competition? Did you win?
