
Thursday, January 1, 2009

Random plant event: Aloe aristata hybrid offsets

Well, it's taken forever (almost a full year, in fact) to get there, but the first of the offsets that I reported last January have developed to the point where they can go it alone. So far, only two of them seemed ready to pot up, but there are a good fifteen to twenty more where those came from, which will eventually be pottable too. I hope.

I don't know what happens then: I probably don't really need twenty of these. EBay? Bring to work? Blog contest prizes? They're nice plants. Top ten types, even. Surely someone will want them.

But one thing at a time. First we'll have to get the two existing plants rooted, and then we'll see about the rest. Don't count your chickens, and all that.

(UPDATE: This is probably a hybrid between A. aristata and Gasteria batesiana, not the species A. aristata, as originally posted.)


  1. No such thing as too much success when it comes to propagation, IMO. (Isn't that a country song? Or was that "Too Much Fun"? :)

  2. I got one of these from you and it does not seem to be A.aristata, it is a hybrid probably A.aristataXvariegata.

  3. Anonymous:

    1) Is that a problem?

    2) What, specifically, makes you think it's not A. aristata?

  4. No it is not a problem at all, i love the plant!! It is beautiful.

    I didnt mean to sound rude!

    A.aristata has thinner leaves, and they have longer fillaments at the tips, also they seem to grow like a ball.
    It is hard for me to explain it all, i will email you pictures of them side by side.

  5. Anonymous:

    I'd noticed that some photos of A. aristata had the long leaf tips and a tighter form, but had assumed that both things had to do with the growing conditions -- a lot of my Aloes have a much more splayed-out habit than the same plants grown in the wild do, because I no longer have any good southern-exposure windows to put them in.

    At the same time, sure, it might not be A. aristata. There was no ID on it when I got it, and my ID was mainly based on what comes up in Google image searches, some of which look more like my plant(s) than others. I assumed that this meant it was naturally variable, but I suppose it could also mean that it's frequently misidentified.
