
Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Random plant event: Dendrobium 'Karen' blooms at home!

I know I've shown a picture of this variety blooming before, and that this is not necessarily a better picture than that one, but as they say about adorable children, it's different when it's your own personal kid doing something adorable. This one actually bloomed at home for me, without needing any special treatment to do so, so now it's probably my favorite. But don't tell the "Humphrey Bogart" Dendrobium. I don't want it getting jealous.


  1. It's absolutely lovely! My sister has a phalenopsis which has the old flower stems on it. They still look green and healthy. Will they bloom again?

  2. Well, I won't make any promises, but it's certainly possible as long as the stalk hasn't browned and dried. A few of the plants at work have bloomed more than once on the same stem.

  3. Always a warm feeling to find that the kids have done well - especially in winter. Makes the whole month a bit brighter.

  4. Congratulations on having it bloom for you. And as I said last time, way cool name!

  5. Beautiful!

    I came across your blog as I was looking for ways to nurse my Dracaena fragrans Massangeana back to health. I also have another Dracaena which seems to be Marginata but I'm not sure. I know very little of plants and these were bought by my husband who apparently over watered them since he knows very little as well. I want to take good care of them and hopefully they become healthy again.
    You've got a great space here! keep it up : )

  6. have a gorgeous bloom. You can show it a million times and I won't get tired of looking at it.
