
Thursday, March 25, 2010

BREAKING: Dog Adoption Complete

We did adopt Sheba. I don't react allergically at all to her saliva, apparently, and only slightly to her dander (which might not be her: it could be something else from the shelter), so I think this should work. Won't be able to say it's definitely worked until some time has gone by, of course, but I think there's reason to be optimistic, based on how things have gone so far.

It was a very long ride back for her, and unfortunately she does get carsick -- though we'd been driving for just over an hour before she actually threw up, and she'd had a pretty intense day already and was perhaps not at her best to begin with. So hopefully this won't be as much of a problem in the future.

I'll add a picture or two to this post as soon as I get them uploaded and sorted and everything.


This one is pre-vomit, obviously, though she looked just fine post-vomit too, once we got her out of the car.

I'm pretty sure there are better photos possible; this was just the best of what I was able to get today. Perhaps there will be others to go with this week's Nina picture.

Except for the ears, she really does look an awful lot like a scaled-down Fervor.


  1. What a cutie! She is so alert and cunning. Dh came over to my computer and properly admired her, too.

  2. Oh my God, Mr. S., she looks so much like Shiloh! (A black German shepherd female, if you recall.) I can of course see why you fell in love with her. Congratulations!!!!!

  3. Awwww, congrats on the addition to the family! She looks like a good dog.

  4. Hey, Mr_Subjunctive, you were a clue on Jeopardy tonight!

    And best wishes to the new girl in your life! She's a beauty.

  5. This is great news. Congratulations! She’s adorable.

  6. Oh my godses, look at the size of those ears. You should call her Batgirl.

    I think the not exactly love at first sight thing is probably OK; how often does that really work out with humans?

  7. The ears are my favourite part. :D

    Congratulations, Mr. S! I hope it does work out. Children are such a large responsibility!

  8. Congrats! :D

    She looks like one happy dog. I'm glad the allergies don't seem to be a problem. Now you just need to work on that name. ;)

  9. I'm so happy you got Sheba! She has the most beautiful shiny coat!

  10. Congratulations. Dogs are the best. don't worry too much about the vomiting during car rides. My dogs have all outgrown it. Kitty

  11. Good Lord HUGE ears and that tongue is HUGE in that second photo LOL. Makes her a bit silly looking but in a cute way.

  12. Hi there, Sheba, and congratulations on finding yourself a fine family. Now, of course, you have the ongoing responsibility of training them, but they seem pretty adaptable and you will soon see that they're shaping up just fine.

    My dog Sheba (big black bear sized Newfie gal) was the greatest - may her spirit be with you.

    Happy days to all.

  13. I have a black dog named Sheeba. Don't know why I used the double e. It just fits her. She's a Golden Retriever/Black Lab mix that looks almost exactly like a Flat Coated Retriever, but with golden "highlights" in her fur. Thank you so much for adopting a dog! Sheba looks very intelligent and will bring you much joy and laughter.
