
Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Pretty picture: Dahlia 'Dahlietta Jenny'

Saw this at the ex-job sometime in the last week (it's all kind of blurring together lately). I understand abstractly why people like Dahlias, but they don't do a lot for me personally.

I googled in the hopes of finding something interesting to share about this particular variety, and didn't really find anything, though I did run into a couple sites (1) (2) that seemed to be suggesting that people can and do grow Dahlias indoors. I kind of think that this may not be true. The ones we had in the greenhouse last year at work (not 'Dahlietta Jenny:' a couple other varieties, I don't remember what they were) got spider mites so bad that I can't imagine that going well for any kind of extended period. Maybe they mean "grow indoors" in the sense that people "grow" mums indoors, or primulas: i.e., they keep them until all the flowers fall off and then throw them in the trash. I don't know.

In any case, it's a nice flower. I'm a fan of orange.


  1. I did keep a dahlia alive indoors this winter -- I got it as a rooted cutting, in the fall, so I couldn't overwinter it as a tuber in my basement as I usually do, so I put it on a sunny windowsill. Most of the winter it did nothing at all (probably because I keep my house so cold) and now it is getting long and leggy, and wishing I would let it outside. I think the only way you could grow them successfully indoors would be in a greenhouse.

  2. I guess you could say a greenhouse is 'indoor'.

  3. Maybe with some uber powerful lights..
    For a flower like that I would try growing it indoor once, at the very least.

  4. I grow them, but I can't be bothered to fuss over them. In the fall I just throw some mulch on them and cross my fingers they come back next year. You really need to dig them up, or bring them in if you want them to last more than a year or two.

  5. I've grown a few of them over the years... the dwarf ones seem to be more hardy, lasting for 3 or 4 years if you mulch them. Unfortunately, the only ones I really like are the giant 'cactus flower' kind, and they don't seem hardy at all...
