
Saturday, April 24, 2010

Saturday morning Sheba and/or Nina picture

As I write this (noonish on Thursday), we are celebrating eight consecutive vomit-free days, which is a new record (previous record: 7 days, from March 30 to April 6). Possibly this will all have fallen apart by the time you actually read this post, but still, it's progress. Maybe all the barfing really is explainable in terms of treats that disagreed with her, carsickness, or both.

Anyway. This picture turned out well, compared to most of them (as I've explained, she doesn't really hold still long enough for photos most of the time), except that her eyes came out glowy green, as animal eyes sometimes do with flash photography. In order to get the above picture, I went in and basically re-drew her pupils to get rid of the glow. I think it came out pretty reasonable-looking, considering.


  1. I'd think the stress that's inevitably involved in settling into a new home would be enough to account for a temporary upsurge (so the speak) in vomiting incidents.

  2. Your sweet friend is hopefully on the mend. Nice photo!!

  3. I hope you have many more vomit-free days :)

    By the way, she's adorable.

  4. That's a great picture - not easy to get good photos of some dogs but she almost looks like she's cooperating in the effort. And she is a very nice looking dog, so may the bads go down and the goods go up and you all live happily ever after.

  5. Looks quite good! Poor puppy, hopefully the barfing stops.

  6. Great pic of your new addition. Sweet face.

  7. Sheba looks good. It's nice to hear that she's feeling better. :)

  8. For what it's worth, we're now on the TENTH consecutive pukeless day. So yay us.

  9. She looks like a sweet heartheart. Congrats on 10 consecutive vomit-free days!
