
Sunday, June 20, 2010

PATSP Hiatus

Summer hiatus this year is exceptionally well-timed; we've been having post-ISP-switching problems where the line into the house is not able to carry as much information as I am capable of requesting. So, periodically, the line throws a tantrum and then I can't load any pages at all. And there appear to be other problems as well. Which is all really annoying.

We're going to get it fixed. In theory. I hope. Maybe even during the next four days, cross your fingers. But if I don't respond to e-mails or comments as much as usual (not that I'm that great about it usually, but, you know, if I'm suddenly much worse), blame my internet problems.

Meanwhile, I'm going to be gathering information for the next few plant profiles, because it seems to work so much better if I gather, then organize, then write (as I did for the Ananas comosus profile), instead of trying to do all three simultaneously (as I usually do). I don't have any especially strong feelings about which plant to write about next, but there are five strong contenders, so if you're especially interested in one of them, let me know through the below poll. It will remain open through Saturday.

See you again Friday.


  1. Voted for the Aloe, the Euphorbia ammak should be interesting too though. or the Ficus. I guess it doesn't matter too much...

  2. Voted for Zamia, my second choice is Schlumbergia. All will be interesting, I look forward.

  3. Voted for Rubber Plant, mainly because I had to throw out 2 large specimens I just bought at Christmas time due to an infestation of mealy bugs that I was unable to control despite my best efforts. :-(

  4. I hope you manage to fit in some relaxing during your break. Looking forward to your return!

  5. Voted for the Aloe. My second choice would be the Ficus.

    Have a good break, and I hope you get the internet issues sorted out soon.

  6. Have a good rest. I voted for Schlumbergera, which I love. Looking forward to reading what you have to say about them.
