
Friday, July 30, 2010

And if that wasn't enough reading for you,

PATSP participated in the blog carnival "Berry-Go-Round" #30, which is hosted by Brain Ripples and can be found here. PATSP's contribution, Part I of the Phalaenopsis profile, will already be familiar to regular readers, but there are other people there, with new, primarily science-themed, posts. Some of these are people you (ought to) know, like Rock Paper Lizard, The Phytophactor, and Watching the World Wake Up; others are new to me but will probably be showing up on the blogroll whenever I get around to updating the blogroll again.

Particularly recommended to PATSP readers: "19 Basic Botanical Terms," at Learn Plants Now. I really need to do a post like that, so I figure out some of these terms myself.


  1. I didn't know about a single one of those sites! Weird, right? Thanks for the turn-on. By the way, I loved how you channeled Richard Dawson today. I don't know where that came from, but you should bottle it. It was very funny.

  2. Thanks for the plug, and for the other links! Hope your basement dries out soon.
