
Monday, August 16, 2010

Pretty picture: Laeliocattleya Cluster Fire 'Cinnabon'

Can't think of a lot to say about Lc. Cluster Fire 'Cinnabon:' I usually like members of the Cattleya alliance, and I usually like orange flowers (it is a nice color), but this one leaves me a bit cold. I think it's the shape I'm having trouble with: it all looks a little pinched to me. Puckered. Restricted.

It may be me. It's probably me. I write up these orchid posts in batches, when inspiration strikes (I'm writing this on 2 July 2010.), and this is the fifth post I've written in the last few hours. So possibly the problem is that it just doesn't compare well with August 9th's Miltoniopsis, or with other Cattleya alliance orchids I've seen pictures of today. Maybe I just didn't take very good photos. Maybe I should stop writing orchid posts now before I completely lose it. I dunno.

EDITED TO ADD: Had to move this up a day, because I'm having trouble with the post I'd wanted to post today, and instead of sitting home dutifully working on the problematic post, the husband, Sheba and I all went to Cedar Rapids and I bought plants. But one of the plants is really, really cool.


  1. ScreamingGreenConureAugust 16, 2010 at 2:42 AM

    I also bought plants. I got a syngonanthus crysanthus 'mikado' and an alpine, whose name I have forgotten. I think it is an armeria.
    I didn't know what the syngonanthus was, and when I asked the stallholder she said "oxygen plant," so then I had to buy it to find out. Now I have to get it a terrarium so it can be humid!

  2. I kind of like it - it looks a little haughty, or it would if it wasn't such a lairy shade of orange - maybe more like a well bred lady sucking on a sour lemon....the raised eyebrows, eye squint, pursed lips, followed by the tiny shoulder shudder....

  3. I'm not an Orchids fan, but I plan to buy three of them next year.

    Phalaenopsis gigantea - because of its big leaves. It's said the leaves can easily exceed 60 centimeters in cultivation.

    Coelogyne dayana - the flowers are to die for.

    Phalaehopsis amabilis 'Art Leaf' yellow-green - the variegata leaves are so beautiful.

  4. I agree, nice colour, not a great shape to the flower though. Looking forward to hearing about the really really cool plant.

  5. I like the description of the flower as looking pinched. I think that's a very good explanation and reason for not being overly smitten. I like the colour but the plant looks horticulturally constipated. Not the prettiest but I wouldn't turn it away if someone offered me one, of course.

  6. Andrew:

    I may have overstated. It's a perfectly ordinary species of plant, but it's a variety that I had previously only seen in photos, and wasn't expecting to see around here ever. And I got it cheap (under $10 for a 6-inch plant). So I'm pleased.

  7. Oo. Really, really cool?

    *waits patiently for the big reveal*
