
Saturday, April 2, 2011

Saturday morning Sheba and/or Nina picture

This picture is from last October.

I realized early this week that I'd missed the one-year anniversary of Sheba coming to live with us; it was the 25th of March 2010, so I should have said something in last week's Sheba picture post, but I'd forgotten. So I'm mentioning it now.

This week (specifically Monday, the 28th) was also the anniversary of Nina coming to live with us. We've now had her for two full years. It feels like longer, though. Actually feels like longer for Sheba, too, now that I think about it.

We should probably have gotten a third pet last week -- it's tradition, after all -- but I think we're okay like this for a while.


  1. Happy Anniversaries!

  2. You have a beautiful view from your backyard!

  3. I suggest an elderly box turtle :) for a third pet. Ours likes the garden and "cultivating" the soil near large rocks. She's about 67 years old and is actually a fun pet.

    In San Fran at their garden show I thought of your little one. There was a Hawaiian garden display with fish in aquariums and terrariums with lizards or snakes. It was really neat.

  4. Wow, it's been a year already? And 2 years since you found Nina? How time flies!

  5. Happy anniversary! If/when you do decide to get another pet, hope you adopt an exotic. ;) A lizard or a turtle would appreciate your awesome plant collection way more than a cat!

  6. I so glad that you folks and Sheba have worked out.
    Lucky, all of you!
