
Monday, May 23, 2011

Pretty picture: Convallaria majalis flowers

When we bought the house, we also bought a couple square feet of lily-of-the-valley (Convallaria majalis) next to the garage. In the time-honored fashion of Convallaria, they have since expanded to maybe three square feet, which may or may not matter in the long run because the husband has at various times proposed moving the garage, paving over the relevant section of the lawn, and digging up everything next to the garage so as to relocate the dirt (don't ask).

In any case, however temporarily or permanently they're going to be around, and however ratty the leaves look by September, I do enjoy having them here. The smell alone makes them worth keeping around. Even if they are thugs.


  1. Very nice. We have a patch of them right by the front door so we can enjoy the scent each spring.

  2. Oooh, I love how wonderful they smell.

  3. The fragrance is the best argument for putting up with their aggressive ways. Though there are a lot of other plants that perfume the air in May...


  4. I grow them in containers, so they can't take over your lawn, and you can move the container to suit your scent needs
