
Thursday, May 22, 2008

Random plant event: another Peperomia caperata regeneration

I've posted a picture a long time ago about a Peperomia caperata leaf I successfully turned into a new plant, and that was nice and everything but I can't imagine anybody found it all that exciting, because a lot of people have tried that at one point or another, and I think it usually works.

This, though, is a little different. We have a fountain in the greenhouse, which recently I had been neglecting to check the water level of 'cause, you know, spring, so a couple Mondays ago, I'm watering plants near the fountain and I happen to notice that the water level is low, so I start filling it back up. And as I'm standing there, I see this leaf swirling around in the water, which I eventually realize has a small plant attached to it. The picture is not the greatest (it may help to open it in its own window), but you can still see what I'm talking about:

So Peperomia leaves will apparently sprout new plants if you just pull them off the plant and throw them in some water. Even if they're more or less completely submerged, apparently. I had not heard of this before.

I don't know how well it would work indoors, with less light and everything, but this is less a post about it being practical than a post about it being possible. And who knows, maybe it's practical too. I'll have to try it on purpose sometime.

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