I've had this plant for over a year now, and for the first, maybe nine or ten months that I had it, it did absolutely nothing. Which was depressing. Recently, it's really started to pump out the new growth, which is awesome, and then I noticed on May 14 that it was even offsetting. I mean, it's not exciting for what it
is just yet, but for what it's
going to be, I'm pretty stoked.
The offset.
In context of the parent plant.(PATSP profile on
Sansevieria trifasciata:
It's interesting that with such different climates that our plants are sending up offsets at the same time. I planted my Sansevieria trifasciata in my garden several months ago to see how it would do, and so far, so good. I haven't seen any growth on the leaves, so the offsets came as a real surprise. In a more moderate climate, this stuff is supposedly invasive, but I know I won't have that problem. But then, maybe I will from the number of offsets coming up!