Thursday, November 27, 2008

Random plant event: Pilea cadierei flower

This is actually a kind of old picture; the Pilea cadiereis started to flower about a month ago. They're not much to look at, but I can just about guarantee that this is the biggest close-up picture of Pilea cadierei flowers you'll see all day. And if it's not big enough for you, open it in its own window. It gets bigger.


Diane said...

I've never seen an inflorescence of molars before. Odd.

Nancy in Sun Lakes AZ said...

Thanksgiving morning and what's the first thing I do? Hit this blog, of course. Now I better get the actual "aluminum" flowing! My day has started right and now it's turkey roasting time!

Lance said...

I agree with Diane. I didn't know dentures grew on plants.