These are the plants I have attempted to grow indoors, or am currently growing indoors, as of 8 November 2015. All IDs are subject to revision, some more than others.
I've also indicated what kind of experience I've had with the plant in question, categorized as Disasters (very bad experience), Disappointments (somewhat bad), Residents (neither good nor bad), Successes (somewhat good), Favorites (very good), or Too Soon To Tell (newish acquisitions). These categorizations are subject to change at any time.
† indicates plants which are dead or otherwise not in my possession anymore; ‡ indicates plants which I don't possess and never want to try again.
My experience is not necessarily typical for the plants in question. Your results may vary.
Abutilon 'Bella Pink,' 'Bella Red,' 'Bella Vanilla' (wide range from Disappointment to Success, depending on specimen)‡
Cause(s) of death: inadequate light leading to ugly
Adenium obesum (Disappointment)‡
Cause(s) of death: mistook dormancy for death?
Adiantum capillaris-veneris (Disaster/Disappointment)‡
Cause(s) of death: underwatering, maybe also low humidity
Adromischus NOID (Disappointment)‡
Cause(s) of death: boring
Aechmea 'Del Mar' (Success)
Aechmea fasciata (Resident/Success)
Aeschynanthus longicaulis (Success/Favorite)
Aeschynanthus radicans (Disappointment)†
Cause(s) of death: cutting fail, maybe underwatering
Aeschynanthus speciosus (Favorite)
Aeschynanthus 'Thai Pink' (Disappointment/Resident)‡
Cause(s) of death: ugly, failure to rebloom or even pretend to rebloom, annoying growth habit
Agave angustifolia variegata (Resident)†
Cause(s) of death: scale
Agave americana (Success/Favorite)†
Cause(s) of death: unbelievably persistent scale
Agave americana, white marginal variegation (Success/Favorite)†
Cause(s) of death: scale
Agave americana, yellow central variegation (Success/Favorite)
Agave attenuata 'Kara's Stripes' (Success/Favorite)
Agave attenuata, variegated (Disappointment/Resident)
Agave 'Blue Glow' (A. ocahui x A. attenuata) (Resident/Success)†
Cause(s) of death: persistent scale, inadequate light
Agave bovicornuta 'Reggae Time' (Resident/Success)
Agave desmettiana (?), plain green (Success)
Agave desmettiana (?), variegated (Success)
Agave lophantha (Success)
Agave lophantha 'Quadricolor' (Success)
Agave NOID (possibly potatorum, parrasana, or parryi; not sure which is most likely) (Resident/Success)
Agave NOID hybrid (Resident/Success)†
Cause(s) of death: rot, possibly also damaged by white oil spraying
Agave potatorum 'Kissho Kan,' variegated (Success)
Agave titanota 'Kyoto' or 'FO-076' (Resident/Success)†
Cause(s) of death: persistent scale, inadequate light
Agave victoriae-reginae (Favorite)
Agave victoriae-reginae 'Pinguino' (Success)
Agave vilmoriniana (Success)†
Cause(s) of death: persistent scale, ugly due to fall injuries
Aglaonema brevispathum 'Hospitum' and 'Thai Snowflakes' (Disappointment)†
Cause(s) of death: overpotted? Underwatered? Overwatered?
Aglaonema 'Brilliant' (Favorite)
Aglaonema 'Cory' (Favorite)
Aglaonema 'Diamond Bay' (Success)
Aglaonema 'Emerald Bay' (Success)
Aglaonema 'Emerald Holiday' (Resident/Success)
Aglaonema 'Gold Dust' (Resident/Success)
Aglaonema 'Golden Bay' (Success/Favorite)
Aglaonema 'Jewel of India' (Favorite)
Aglaonema 'Jubilee' (Resident)
Aglaonema 'King of Siam' (Resident/Success)
Aglaonema 'Maria' (Resident/Success)
Aglaonema NOID (possibly commutatum) (Disappointment)†
Cause(s) of death: ugly, boring
Aglaonema 'Peacock' (Favorite)
Aglaonema 'Sapphire Suzanne' (Resident)
Aglaonema 'Silver Queen' (Success/Favorite)
Aglaonema 'Silverado' (Success)
Aglaonema 'Sparkling Sarah' (Favorite)
Aglaonema 'Stars' (Disappointment)†
Cause(s) of death: overwatered
Aglaonema 'Stripes' (Success)
Albuca bracteata (aka Ornithogalum caudatum) (Resident/Success)
Alcantarea imperialis (aka Vriesea imperialis) (Success/Favorite)
Aloe arenicola (Resident)‡
Cause(s) of death: insufficient light leading to ugly
Aloe brevifolia (Resident)‡
Cause(s) of death: boring
Aloe congolensis (Resident)‡
Cause(s) of death: given away or sold
Aloe 'Crosby's Prolific' (Disappointment)‡
Cause(s) of death: given away or sold
Aloe 'Doran Black' (ID uncertain) (Resident)‡
Cause(s) of death: rot
Aloe dorotheae 'Sunset' (Resident/Success)‡
Cause(s) of death: rot from overwatering and/or cold
Aloe ferox (Success)†
Cause(s) of death: scale
Aloe 'Firebird' (Resident)‡
Cause(s) of death: scale, boring, failure to thrive
Aloe 'Fire Ranch' (Resident)‡
Cause(s) of death: inadequate light, ugly, partial defoliation of unknown causes
Aloe greatheadii var. davyana (Resident)‡
Cause(s) of death: scale, inadequate light
Aloe harlana (Success)†
Cause(s) of death: suspected of having scale (not confirmed), boring, too big
Aloe haworthioides (may be a hybrid of A. haworthioides and something else) (Resident/Success)
Aloe maculata (Resident)‡
Cause(s) of death: scale, inadequate light
Aloe 'Minibelle' (as received; could be A. juvenna) (Resident)‡
Cause(s) of death: given away or sold
Aloe nobilis (Disaster/Disappointment)‡
Cause(s) of death: returned to store because of aloe mites; given away or sold
Aloe NOID (looks like variegated Alworthia 'Black Gem;' possibly 'Walmsley's Bronze') (Success)†
Cause(s) of death: scale
Aloe NOID (possibly A. bakeri) (Success)‡
Cause(s) of death: given away or sold
Aloe NOID (probably 'Blue Elf' or 'Hedgehog') (Success/Favorite)†
Cause(s) of death: scale
Aloe 'Pink Blush' (Disappointment)‡
Cause(s) of death: rot, inadequate light
Aloe polyphylla (Disaster)‡
Cause(s) of death: scale
Aloe rupestris (Resident)‡
Cause(s) of death: uprooted itself while I was spraying it for scale, and I decided I didn't like it well enough to bother potting it back up
Aloe 'Silver Ridge' (Disaster/Disappointment)‡
Cause(s) of death: rot from overwatering/cold; scale
Aloe striata (Success until scale infestation)‡
Cause(s) of death: scale, too large for location
Aloe variegata (Resident/Success)
Aloe vera (Resident/Success)†
Cause(s) of death: rot; scale; ugly; inadequate light
Aloe 'Walmsley's Blue' (Success)
Alpinia zerumbet variegata (Disappointment)†
Cause(s) of death: not in great shape to begin with; scale
Alternanthera dentata 'Purple Knight' (Disappointment)‡
Cause(s) of death: annoying growth habit
Alternanthera 'Partytime' (Disappointment/Disaster)‡
Cause(s) of death: annoying growth habit
Alworthia 'Black Gem' (Favorite)†
Cause(s) of death: motherfucking scale over and over
Amorphophallus bulbifer (Resident)
Amorphophallus konjac (Success/Favorite)
Ananas comosus (Disaster)†
Cause(s) of death: rot / failure to root
Ananas comosus 'Mongo' (Success/Favorite)
Ananas lucidus (Resident)‡
Cause(s) of death: outgrew location, then rot in a new location
Anthurium "hookeri" (Resident)‡
Cause(s) of death: annoying habit, inadequate light, suspected scale / spider mites
Anthurium amnicola (Disaster/Disappointment)†
Cause(s) of death: overpotted? possibly not in great shape to begin with
Anthurium x 'Florida' (Success/Favorite)
Anthurium hybrids including 'Gemini,' 'Krypton,' 'Midori,' 'Orange Hot,' 'Pandola,' 'Red Hot,' 'White Gemini,' and crosses between same (Success/Favorite)
Anthurium 'Joli' (Resident/Success)
Anthurium NOID (medium pink spathes) (Success)
Anthurium NOID (orangish-red spathes) (Disappointment/Disaster)†
Cause(s) of death: overpotted
Anthurium NOID (red spathes) (Success/Favorite)
Anthurium crystallinum 'Mehani' (Disappointment/Resident)‡
Cause(s) of death: inadequate humidity, ugly
Anthurium podophyllum (Disappointment)‡
Cause(s) of death: given away or sold
Anthurium schlechtendalii (Success/Favorite)
Araucaria bidwillii (Favorite)
Araucaria heterophylla (Resident/Success)†
Cause(s) of death: overpotted
Ardisia crenata (Success)‡
Cause(s) of death: scale, boring
Ardisia elliptica (Success)†
Cause(s) of death: scale
Asparagus macowanii (Resident/Success)‡
Cause(s) of death: scale
Asparagus plumosus (mostly Success)‡
Cause(s) of death: too dry, ugly
Aspidistra elatior (Disappointment)‡
Cause(s) of death: ugly
Aspidistra lurida 'Milky Way' (Disaster)‡
Cause(s) of death: spider mites; underwatering; spontaneous implosion of unknown causes
Asplenium antiquum (Disaster)‡
Cause(s) of death: underwatered, low humidity
Asplenium nidus (Disaster)‡
Cause(s) of death: underwatered, low humidity
Asplundia 'Jungle Drum' (Usually sold as Carludovica) (Success/Favorite)
Astrophytum myriostigma (Disappointment)‡
Cause(s) of death: overwatered, cold, rot
Astrophytum ornata (Resident/Success)
Beaucarnea recurvata, variegated (Favorite)
Begonia 'Erythrophylla' (Success)
Begonia 'Puffy Clouds' (Resident/Success)†
Cause(s) of death: long slow decline for no obvious reason
Begonia 'Tiger Kitten' (Disappointment/Resident)
Begonia rhizomatous NOID, star-shaped black leaves with red undersides (Success)
Begonia rhizomatous NOID, star-shaped red and green leaves (Disappointment)‡
Cause(s) of death: rot, but had never been very happy here
Begonia rhizomatous NOID, ruffly green and black leaves (Resident)‡
Cause(s) of death: unknown
Begonia NOID, cane type (Success)
Begonia NOID, another cane type with smaller leaves (Disappointment)†
Cause(s) of death: too much direct sun leading to ugly
Begonia NOID, rounded green leaves with "eyelashes" around margin (Disappointment)†
Cause(s) of death: spontaneous death, not well-established
Begonia rex-cultorum, four different cvv. (Disaster)‡
Cause(s) of death: being a rex begonia
Billbergia 'Borracho' (Success)
Billbergia 'Foster's Striate' (Favorite)
Billbergia nutans (Favorite)
Brassolaeliocattleya Helen[e] Brown (Success)
Breynia disticha 'Roseo-Picta' (Favorite)
Browningia hertlingiana (Success)†
Cause(s) of death: overwatered, cold, rot
Bryophyllum daigremontianum (Disappointment)‡
Cause(s) of death: annoying growth habit, inadequate light
Caladium NOID (Disaster)‡
Cause(s) of death: inadequate heat and humidity
Calathea lutea (Disaster)‡
Cause(s) of death: seeds failed to germinate
Calathea makoyana (Resident/Success)†
Cause(s) of death: spider mites, suspected scale
Calathea ornata (Disaster)†
Cause(s) of death: spider mites, low humidity, underwatered
Callisia fragrans (Success)‡
Cause(s) of death: annoying growth habit
Callisia gentlei (Success)‡
Cause(s) of death: annoying growth habit
Carica papaya (Disaster/Disappointment)‡
Cause(s) of death: spider mites; ugly; transplant failure; rot
Caryota mitis (Disaster)†
Cause(s) of death: ugly, likely not well-established in the first place; rot
Cereus peruvianus (Success)
Ceropegia woodii (Success)
Ceropegia woodii, variegated cv. (Success)
Chamaedorea elegans (Disappointment)‡
Cause(s) of death: given away or sold
Chamaedorea metallica (Success)
Chirita 'Deco' (Resident/Success)†
Cause(s) of death: sudden decline for no obvious reason
Chlorophytum 'Charlotte' (Resident/Success)‡
Cause(s) of death: boring
Chlorophytum comosum (both white- and yellow-variegated) (Success)
Chlorophytum laxum (Resident)‡
Cause(s) of death: given away or sold
Chlorophytum x 'Fire Flash' (Favorite)
Cissus quadrangularis (Resident)‡
Cause(s) of death: long decline over a period of months, possibly too wet/cold, also ugly
Cissus rhombifolia (Disappointment)‡
Cause(s) of death: ugly, overwatered and underwatered, mildew
Cissus rhombifolia 'Ellen Danica' (Disappointment)‡
Cause(s) of death: overwatered?
Clivia miniata 'Aztec Gold' (Success/Favorite)
Clivia miniata NOID (Resident/Success)
Codiaeum variegatum 'Andrew' (Disappointment)‡
Cause(s) of death: spider mites
Codiaeum variegatum 'Gold Dust' (Disappointment)‡
Cause(s) of death: spider mites
Codonanthe serrulata (Resident)
Coffea arabica (Favorite)
Columnea 'Light Prince' (Resident/Success)
Columnea microphylla (Resident/Success)‡
Cause(s) of death: had never done well, possibly too cold, abrupt decline without obvious cause
Columnea orientandina (Success/Favorite)
Cordyline fruticosa (green) (Success)‡
Cause(s) of death: too large for location, boring, suspected spider mite reservoir
Cordyline fruticosa 'Bicolor' or 'Tricolor' (ID uncertain) (Disappointment)‡
Cause(s) of death: persistent spider mites, ugly
Cordyline fruticosa 'Bolero' (Disaster)‡
Cause(s) of death: failed to resprout after being cut back
Cordyline fruticosa 'Kiwi' (Disappointment)‡
Cause(s) of death: persistent spider mites, ugly
Cordyline fruticosa NOID (large dark red leaves with pink margins) (Disaster)‡
Cause(s) of death: persistent spider mites, ugly
Cordyline fruticosa 'Red Sister' (or some similar dark-red cv. with pink margins) (Disappointment)‡
Cause(s) of death: persistent spider mites, ugly
Cordyline glauca (Disappointment)‡
Cause(s) of death: ugly, underwatered
Crassula arborescens undulatifolia (Disappointment)‡
Cause(s) of death: ugly, inadequate light
Crassula falcata (Success)†
Cause(s) of death: main stem was broken off by accident, and then the plant rotted -- I couldn't salvage any pieces or offsets
Crassula muscosa (Disappointment/Disaster)‡
Cause(s) of death: mealybugs; not well-established when purchased
Crassula ovata 'Gollum' (Disappointment)‡
Cause(s) of death: fungus, ugly
Crassula ovata, solid green (Disappointment/Resident)‡
Cause(s) of death: given away or sold; fungus, ugly
Crassula ovata, variegated (Disappointment)‡
Cause(s) of death: ugly, possible fungus
Crassula rupestris (possibly perforata) (Disappointment)‡
Cause(s) of death: no roots (either never had them in the first place, or I'd overwatered and they rotted)
Cryptanthus [bivittatus?] 'Pink Starlite' (Resident/Success)‡
Cause(s) of death: boring; given away or sold
Cryptanthus cf. bromelioides (Disappointment)‡
Cause(s) of death: mealybugs
Cryptanthus 'Melody' (?) (Disappointment)‡
Cause(s) of death: underwatering?
Cryptanthus NOID (tan/green w/ stripe) (Resident/Success)‡
Cause(s) of death: boring
Cryptanthus NOID (all-green) (Success)‡
Cause(s) of death: boring
Cryptanthus NOID (red/green, no stripe) (Resident/Success)‡
Cause(s) of death: boring
Cryptanthus 'Ruby' or similar cv. (Success)‡
Cause(s) of death: boring; mealybugs; given away or sold
Cryptanthus x 'Black Mystic' (Resident/Success)†
Cause(s) of death: rot following bloom (replaced itself with offsets but they were tiny and weak for some reason)
Cryptanthus fosterianus (Disappointment/Resident)‡
Cause(s) of death: unknown
Cryptbergia x rubra (Success)
Ctenanthe burle-marxii (Success/Favorite)
Cuphea ignea (Disappointment)‡
Cause(s) of death: inadequate light, underwatered, ugly
Cyanotis kewensis (Resident)‡
Cause(s) of death: overwatered; ugly; annoying growth habit; given away or sold
Cycas revoluta (Disappointment)†
Cause(s) of death: sudden irreversible yellowing of unknown origin
Cyclamen persicum NOID (Disappointment/Resident)‡
Cause(s) of death: my failure to read dormancy cues and adjust watering accordingly
Cyperus alternifolius (Success/Favorite)
Cyrtomium falcatum (Success)†
Cause(s) of death: sudden decline for no obvious reason
Davallia fejeensis 'Major' (Resident/Success)‡
Cause(s) of death: too warm/dry?, ugly
Davallia trichomanoides (Resident/Success)‡
Cause(s) of death: long slow decline for no obvious reason
Davallia tyermanii (Disappointment)‡
Cause(s) of death: overpotted?
Dendrobium 'Karen' (Resident)‡
Cause(s) of death: probably rot from a potting medium that retained water too long
Dendrobium NOID "Humphrey Bogart" (Resident)
Didymochlaena truncatula (Disappointment)‡
Cause(s) of death: unknown, since I never did anything that it seemed to like
Dieffenbachia 'Camouflage' (Resident/Success)‡
Cause(s) of death: annoying growth habit, boring
Dieffenbachia NOID (larger grayish variety) (Resident)‡
Cause(s) of death: annoying growth habit, ugly, bored with, spider mites
Dieffenbachia NOID (possibly 'Compacta?') (Success)‡
Cause(s) of death: failed to resprout well after being cut back; chronic underwatering
Dieffenbachia NOID (possibly 'Exotica' or 'Sparkle?') (Disappointment)‡
Cause(s) of death: not well-established when purchased; failed to transplant from water-rooting
Dieffenbachia 'Pacific Rim' (Disappointment/Resident)‡
Cause(s) of death: underwatered, annoying growth habit; long slow decline with no obvious cause
Dieffenbachia 'Panther' (Disaster)‡
Cause(s) of death: overwatered
Dieffenbachia 'Starbright' (Success)
Dieffenbachia 'Sterling' (Disappointment/Resident)‡
Cause(s) of death: ugly, top-heavy, spider mites, cut back and resprouted ugly
Dieffenbachia 'Tiki' (Resident)‡
Cause(s) of death: ugly, annoying growth habit
Dieffenbachia 'Triumph' (Success/Favorite)‡
Cause(s) of death: spider mites, boring; top-heavy, ugly
Dieffenbachia 'Tropic Rain' (Favorite)†
Cause(s) of death: scale
Dieffenbachia 'Tropic Snow' (Favorite)
Dischidia hirsuta (Disaster/Disappointment)‡
Cause(s) of death: may have been damaged by shipping, not established to begin with
Dischidia 'Nova' (Disappointment)‡
Cause(s) of death: may have been damaged by shipping, not established to begin with
Dischidia ruscifolia (Resident/Success)
Dischidia variegata (Disaster/Disappointment)‡
Cause(s) of death: may have been damaged by shipping, not established to begin with
Dizygotheca elegantissima (Schefflera elegantissima) (Resident/Success)‡
Cause(s) of death: mealybugs; scale
Dizygotheca elegantissima (Schefflera elegantissima) 'Olympia' (Resident/Success)‡
Cause(s) of death: boring, suspected scale
Dracaena deremensis 'Art' (Resident)
Dracaena deremensis 'Jade Jewel' (Disappointment/Resident)†
Cause(s) of death: boring, had never done all that well for me but I don't know why
Dracaena deremensis 'Janet Craig' (Success)
Dracaena deremensis 'Janet Craig Compacta' (Success/Favorite)
Dracaena deremensis 'Lemon-Lime' / 'Goldstar' (Success/Favorite)
Dracaena deremensis 'Limelight' (Success/Favorite)
Dracaena deremensis 'Malaika' (Success)
Dracaena deremensis 'Warneckei' (Resident/Success)
Dracaena fragrans 'Massangeana' (Success)
Dracaena fragrans 'Sol' (Success)
Dracaena marginata 'Bicolor' (brief Resident)†
Cause(s) of death: given away or sold
Dracaena marginata 'Colorama' (Resident/Success)‡
Cause(s) of death: boring
Dracaena reflexa 'Riki' (Success/Favorite)
Dracaena reflexa 'Song of India' (Resident/Success)‡
Cause(s) of death: ugly, no/slow growth
Dracaena reflexa 'Song of Jamaica' (Resident)‡
Cause(s) of death: ugly, scale
Dracaena sanderiana (Disappointment)‡
Cause(s) of death: ugly, boring
Dracaena surculosa (Disappointment/Resident)‡
Cause(s) of death: ugly, never performed well
Dracaena thalioides (practically never-ending Disaster)‡
Cause(s) of death: a *spectacular* spider mite infestation. Like, the kind of spider mite infestation people write songs about. (Country songs, obviously.)
Dracaena x 'Indonesian Tracker' (Success/Favorite)
Dyckia x 'La Rioja' (Disaster)†
Cause(s) of death: rot
Dyckia, unnamed F2 offspring of 'Burgundy Ice' (Resident/Success)
Echeveria coccinea (Resident)‡
Cause(s) of death: insufficient light, ugly; given away or sold
Echeveria nodulosa (Disaster)‡
Cause(s) of death: insufficient light, ugly
Echeveria NOID (Disappointment)‡
Cause(s) of death: rot, not well-established
Echeveria 'Perle von Nunberg' or 'Moonglow' or something (Disappointment)‡
Cause(s) of death: rotted after being cut back
Echeveria pulvinata 'Frosty' (Disappointment)‡
Cause(s) of death: given away or sold; inadequate light
Echeveria 'Topsy Turvy' (Disappointment/Disaster)‡
Cause(s) of death: ugly
Echinocactus grusonii (Disappointment/Resident)‡
Cause(s) of death: insufficient light leading to ugly
Epiphyllum NOID (pink flowers) (Success)‡
Cause(s) of death: inadequate light, believed exposed to scale, annoying growth habit
Epiphyllum oxypetalum (Success)‡
Cause(s) of death: inadequate light, believed exposed to scale, annoying growth habit
Epiphyllum 'Tequila Sunrise' (Resident/Success)‡
Cause(s) of death: inadequate light, believed exposed to scale, annoying growth habit
Epipremnum aureum (Success)†
Cause(s) of death: boring
Epipremnum aureum 'Marble Queen' (Resident/Success)†
Cause(s) of death: given away or sold
Epipremnum aureum 'Neon' (Resident/Success)
Epipremnum aureum 'N'Joy' (Success/Favorite)
Episcia, assorted NOIDs (Success)
Episcia 'Burning Embers' (Disappointment/Resident)†
Cause(s) of death: ugly due to underwatering?
Episcia 'Coco' (Favorite)
Episcia 'Faded Jade' (Resident)
Episcia 'Kempenfest' (Resident)†
Cause(s) of death: poor performance to begin with, then mostly eaten by moth caterpillars
Episcia 'Pink Acajou' (Disappointment)†
Cause(s) of death: all I recorded in the spreadsheet is "fuck I hate plants right now"
Episcia 'Pink Smoke' (Disappointment)†
Cause(s) of death: unknown, probably watering-related somehow
Episcia 'Raspberry Parade' (Resident/Success)
Episcia 'Silver Skies' (Success)
Episcia 'Strawberry Patch' (Disaster)†
Cause(s) of death: never did well, may not have been established, possible shipping damage
Episcia 'Suomi' (Resident)†
Cause(s) of death: poor performance to begin with, then mostly eaten by moth caterpillars
Eriobotrya japonica (Success)
Eucharis grandiflora (Favorite)
Eucodonia NOID (Success)
Euphorbia ammak (Success/Favorite)
Euphorbia anoplia (Disappointment/Resident)‡
Cause(s) of death: rot
Euphorbia bougheyi variegata (Resident/Success)‡
Cause(s) of death: fungus, awkward growth habit
Euphorbia drupifera (Resident)‡
Cause(s) of death: fungus
Euphorbia enopla (Disappointment)‡
Cause(s) of death: overwatered + injury sustained in a fall = rot
Euphorbia flanaganii (Resident)‡
Cause(s) of death: given away or sold
Euphorbia flanaganii var. cristata (Disappointment)‡
Cause(s) of death: inadequate light, ugly, possible rot
Euphorbia grandicornis (Resident)
Euphorbia horrida var. noorsveldensis (Disappointment/Resident)‡
Cause(s) of death: rot
Euphorbia ingens? (Success/Favorite)
Euphorbia lactea, variegated (Success)
Euphorbia leuconeura (Success/Favorite)
Euphorbia milii (Resident)†
Cause(s) of death: ineradicable fungus
Euphorbia milii 'Candyland' (Disappointment/Resident)‡
Cause(s) of death: fungus, and the treatment for the fungus
Euphorbia NOID (Success)
Euphorbia pseudocactus (Resident/Success)‡
Cause(s) of death: boring, partial rot
Euphorbia tirucalli (Success/Favorite)
Euphorbia tirucalli 'Firesticks' (Success/Favorite)
Euphorbia tortilis (Resident)‡
Cause(s) of death: given away or sold
Euphorbia trigona (Success)
Euphorbia trigona 'Red' (Success)†
Cause(s) of death: ineradicable fungus
Excoecaria cochinchinensis (Disappointment)‡
Cause(s) of death: annoying growth habit, spider mites, buyer's remorse
Fatshedera x lizei, variegated (Resident)‡
Cause(s) of death: had never done particularly well, then spider mites
Fatsia japonica (Disappointment)‡
Cause(s) of death: mealybugs
Fenestraria rhopalophylla (Disaster)‡
Cause(s) of death: being a Fenestraria (i.e., overwatering. I.e., watering at all.)
Ferocactus (?) NOID (Disappointment)‡
Cause(s) of death: mealybugs
Ficus benjamina (Success)
Ficus benjamina 'Black Diamond' (Resident/Success)
Ficus benjamina 'Exotica' (Disappointment)†
Cause(s) of death: underwatered
Ficus benjamina 'Margarita' (Resident/Success)
Ficus benjamina 'Midnight' (Resident/Success)
Ficus benjamina 'Monique' (Disappointment)†
Cause(s) of death: underwatered
Ficus benjamina 'Spearmint' (ID uncertain) (Favorite)
Ficus benjamina 'Starlight' (Resident/Success)
Ficus maclellandii (Success/Favorite)
Ficus elastica 'Burgundy' (Resident/Success)‡
Cause(s) of death: insufficient light and no overhead light leading to annoying growth habit
Ficus elastica 'Tineke' (Success)†
Cause(s) of death: scale
Ficus lyrata (Success/Favorite)
Ficus microcarpa (Favorite)†
Cause(s) of death: severe scale, on several different plants
Ficus microcarpa (?) 'Green Island' (Success)‡
Cause(s) of death: scale, annoying growth habit
Ficus pumila, variegated (Disappointment/Resident)‡
Cause(s) of death: never did very well; underwatering
Ficus religiosa (Disappointment)†
Cause(s) of death: spider mites
Ficus triangularis (Disaster)‡
Cause(s) of death: chronic underwatering
Fittonia albivenis (Disaster)‡
Cause(s) of death: underwatered, cold, failure of cuttings to root
Furcraea foetida 'Medio-Picta' (Resident/Success)‡
Cause(s) of death: ineradicable scale, over and over
Gasteraloe 'Green Gold' (Resident)‡
Cause(s) of death: rot
Gasteraloe 'Green Ice' (Resident/Success)
Gasteraloe 'Midnight' (sold as Aloe gastrolea 'Midnight') (Resident)‡
Cause(s) of death: ugly, boring, had been exposed to scale even though I never actually saw scale on it
Gasteraloe x beguinii (A. aristata x Gasteria batesiana) (Success/Favorite)†
Cause(s) of death: persistent scale
Gasteria bicolor (ID uncertain) (Resident/Success)
Gasteria bicolor var. lilliputiana (Resident)†
Cause(s) of death: given away or sold
Gasteria x "pseudonigricans" (Resident)‡
Cause(s) of death: given away or sold; root rot, offsets failed to root, was never happy
Gasterworthia cv. (possibly 'Banded Pearls' or 'Royal Highness') (Resident)
Glechoma hederacea (Disaster)‡
Cause(s) of death: was never established to begin with, mildew
Guzmania NOID, two cvv. (Disappointment/Resident)‡
Cause(s) of death: given away or sold; ugly; rot; got tired of waiting for it to bloom
Gynura aurantiaca (Resident/Success)‡
Cause(s) of death: given away or sold; mealybugs; ugly, underwatered, boring
Haemanthus albiflos (Resident/Success)
Hatiora cv. ("Easter cactus"/Rhipsalidopsis), magenta-flowering (Disappointment)‡
Cause(s) of death: being an Easter cactus
Hatiora cv. ("Easter cactus"/Rhipsalidopsis), red/orange-flowering (Disappointment)‡
Cause(s) of death: being an Easter cactus
Hatiora salicornioides (Favorite)
Haworthia attenuata (Resident/Success)
Haworthia batesiana (ID uncertain, and probably wrong) (Disappointment)‡
Cause(s) of death: failure to root from offset; given away or sold; ugly; rot
Haworthia comptoniana (may have been H. tessellata) (Disappointment)‡
Cause(s) of death: mealybugs
Haworthia cymbiformis (Disaster)‡
Cause(s) of death: overwatering
Haworthia limifolia var. limifolia (Resident/Success)
Haworthia limifolia var. ubomboensis (Resident/Success)
Haworthia NOID (sort of like H. truncata, except it may or may not be) (Success/Favorite)
Haworthia retusa or maybe mirabilis (ID uncertain) (Success/Favorite)
Haworthia tessellata (Disappointment/Resident)‡
Cause(s) of death: given away or sold
Hedera canariensis 'Gloire de Marengo' (Disappointment)‡
Cause(s) of death: spider mites
Hedera helix cv. (Disaster)‡
Cause(s) of death: spider mites
Heliconia psittacorum 'Bright Lights' (Disappointment)‡
Cause(s) of death: probably not really a houseplant -- inadequate light / heat / humidity
Hemigraphis exotica (Disappointment)‡
Cause(s) of death: underwatering
Hibiscus acetosella 'Brown Sugar' (Disappointment)‡
Cause(s) of death: ugly, annoying growth habit
Hibiscus rosa-sinensis NOID (orange flowers) (Disappointment)‡
Cause(s) of death: pain in the ass to overwinter, spider mites
Hibiscus rosa-sinensis 'Mrs. Jimmy Spangler' (Disappointment)‡
Cause(s) of death: pain in the ass to overwinter, reluctant to bloom, underwatered, spider mites
Hippeastrum x ? (Resident)
Homalomena 'Emerald Gem' (Resident)†
Cause(s) of death: chronic miswatering of some kind or another (never figured it out), unknown mite-like bugs
Homalomena 'Perma Press' (Success)
Homalomena 'Selby' (Disaster)†
Cause(s) of death: "grotesquely underwatered," according to the spreadsheet
Hoya bella (Success)
Hoya carnosa "holliana" (Disappointment)‡
Cause(s) of death: Sudden Hoya Death Syndrome
Hoya carnosa 'Chelsea' (Resident)‡
Cause(s) of death: Sudden Hoya Death Syndrome, given away or sold
Hoya carnosa 'Exotica' / 'Krimson Princess' (ID uncertain), three times (Diappointment)‡
Cause(s) of death: exposed to scale, awkward growth habit, large, failed to bloom
Hoya carnosa 'Krimson Queen' (unclassifiable; has been all the categories at one time or another)†
Cause(s) of death: Sudden Hoya Death Syndrome; given away or sold; suspected scale; not well-established when I got it; root rot and/or injury
Hoya curtisii (Disaster/Disappointment)†
Cause(s) of death: weak to begin with, probably underwatered
Hoya kentiana, probably actually H. wayetii (Resident)‡
Cause(s) of death: given away or sold because boring
Hoya lacunosa (Favorite)†
Cause(s) of death: Sudden Hoya Death Syndrome
Hoya lacunosa 'Royal Flush' (Resident/Success)
Hoya NOID 'DS-70' (possibly cv. of H. tsangii) (Resident)†
Cause(s) of death: Sudden Hoya Death Syndrome
Hoya obovata (Success)
Hoya picta (Disappointment)‡
Cause(s) of death: cuttings failed to root
Hoya polyneura (Resident/Success)‡
Cause(s) of death: Sudden Hoya Death Syndrome
Hoya pubicalyx, possibly cv. 'Pink Silver' (Resident)‡
Cause(s) of death: Sudden Hoya Death Syndrome
Hoya retusa (Disaster/Disappointment)‡
Cause(s) of death: may have been damaged by shipping, not established to begin with
Huernia oculata (Resident/Success)
Huernia schneideriana (Favorite)
Huernia zebrina (Resident/Success)
Hylocereus undatus (or other Hylocereus sp.; ID is uncertain) (Disappointment/Resident)‡
Cause(s) of death: ugly, annyoing growth habit, inadequate light
Hypoestes phyllostachya (both pink and white versions) (Disappointment/Resident)‡
Cause(s) of death: underwatered; needs too much maintenance to avoid looking ugly
Iresine herbstii 'Blazin' Rose' (Disappointment/Resident)‡
Cause(s) of death: ugly; chronic underwatering; failed to resprout after being cut back; annoying growth habit; given away or sold
Isolatocereus dumortieri (Success)
Kalanchoe beharensis (?) 'Fang' (Disaster)‡
Cause(s) of death: rot, not established to begin with
Kalanchoe bracteata 'Silver Teaspoons' (Resident)‡
Cause(s) of death: self-uprooted due to shallow root system, bored with Kalanchoes
Kalanchoe gastonis-bonnieri (Disaster)‡
Cause(s) of death: failure to root
Kalanchoe luciae (Disaster)‡
Cause(s) of death: overpotted?
Kalanchoe marmorata (Resident)‡
Cause(s) of death: ugly, top-heavy, didn't actually like, inadequate light
Kalanchoe millotii (Disappointment/Resident)‡
Cause(s) of death: boring, slow to re-root following blooming and senescence
Kalanchoe orgyalis (Disappointment)‡
Cause(s) of death: either overwatered, underwatered, or both
Kalanchoe prolifera (Success?)‡
Cause(s) of death: rotted after being cut back, and cuttings failed to root; given away or sold
Kalanchoe tomentosa (Disappointment)‡
Cause(s) of death: ugly; damaged in fall
Kohleria 'Peridots Kitlope' (Disappointment)‡
Cause(s) of death: chronic underwatering
Kohleria 'Queen Victoria' (Resident)‡
Cause(s) of death: underwatered
Kohleria 'Silver Feather' (Disaster)‡
Cause(s) of death: arrived as a tuber. Started to sprout when planted, but then the shoot was covered by soil during watering, and it stopped trying
Lampranthus blandus (Disappointment)‡
Cause(s) of death: ugly, insufficient light
Laurus nobilis (Disaster)‡
Cause(s) of death: underwatering?
Ledebouria socialis (Resident/Success)‡
Cause(s) of death: failed to root; given away or sold; rot (too cold?); don't know; long slow decline of unknown causes; propagation failures
Leuchtenbergia principis (Favorite)
Liriope spicata 'Cassidy' (Disaster/Disappointment)‡
Cause(s) of death: ugly (chlorotic), no/slow growth, likely not a good houseplant candidate in the first place
Ludisia discolor (syn. Haemaria discolor) (Disappointment)‡
Cause(s) of death: overpotted; cutting failure
Mammillaria elongata 'Pink Nymph' (Disaster)‡
Cause(s) of death: rot from overwatering, possibly also bad specimen
Mammillaria spinosissima (Resident)‡
Cause(s) of death: given away or sold
Manfreda undulata 'Chocolate Chips' (Resident/Success)‡
Cause(s) of death: scale
Mangave 'Bloodspot' (Resident)
Mangave 'Macho Mocha' (Disappointment)
Maranta leuconeura erythroneura (Disappointment)‡
Cause(s) of death: spider mites; mealybugs
Maranta leuconeura kerchoveana (Disappointment/Resident)‡
Cause(s) of death: exposed to scale, not performing well anyway because of underwatering, low humidity; failed to recover after being cut back
Maranta leuconeura 'Marisela' (Disappointment)‡
Cause(s) of death: mealybugs; ugly, underwatered, boring
Microsorum musifolium 'Crocodyllus' (Disappointment/Resident)‡
Cause(s) of death: too cold, dry air, possible underwatering
Monstera deliciosa (Success)
Monstera deliciosa 'Cheesecake' (Success)
Murraya paniculata (Success/Favorite)
Musa x 'Cheeka' (Resident)‡
Cause(s) of death: ugly
Myrtillocactus geometrizans (Success)
Nautilocalyx forgetii (all over the place; unclassifiable)†
Cause(s) of death: given away or sold; underwatered; propagation failure; sudden decline for no obvious reason
Nautilocalyx pemphidius (Disaster/Disappointment)‡
Cause(s) of death: may have been damaged by shipping, not established to begin with
Nematanthus NOID (orange flowers) (Success)‡
Cause(s) of death: scale and/or exposed to scale; annoying growth habit; given away or sold
Nematanthus NOID (pinkish-orange flowers) (Success/Favorite)‡
Cause(s) of death: scale and/or exposed to scale; given away or sold
Nematanthus NOID (yellow-orange flowers) (Resident)‡
Cause(s) of death: scale
Nematanthus 'Tropicana' (yellow-orange flowers with brown stripes) (Resident/Success)‡
Cause(s) of death: long slow decline of unknown causes; annoying growth habit; given away or sold
Neofinetia falcata 'Amami Furan' (Success)
Neoregelia ampullacea 'Dark Star' (Resident/Success)
Neoregelia 'Ardie' (Success)
Neoregelia 'Fireball' (Disappointment/Resident)‡
Cause(s) of death: long slow decline of unknown causes; propagation failure; given away or sold
Neoregelia 'Gazpacho' (Success/Favorite)
Neoregelia NOID (dark green leaves with purple tips; plant center is pink-purple when blooming) (Disappointment)†
Cause(s) of death: scale-exposed, failure to thrive
Neoregelia NOID (dark purple leaves with green flecks) (Disappointment)†
Cause(s) of death: scale, whitefly
Neoregelia NOID (green leaves with yellow variegation in center; plant center is red when blooming or in strong light) (Resident)†
Cause(s) of death: underwatered; propagation failure
Neoregelia NOID (green leaves, pink-purple center when blooming) (Disappointment/Resident)†
Cause(s) of death: fungus
Neoregelia pauciflora x wilsonia (Resident)†
Cause(s) of death: failure to root
Neoregelia 'Zoe' (Disappointment)‡
Cause(s) of death: overwatered and/or overpotted
NOID NOID (looked like a Hoya or Dischidia) (Disaster/Disappointment)‡
Cause(s) of death: may have been damaged by shipping, not established to begin with
NOID NOID (looked sort of like a sick Hibiscus rosa-sinensis, but wasn't) (Disappointment)‡
Cause(s) of death: unknown
Oncidium NOID (Disaster)‡
Cause(s) of death: failed attempt to salvage a dying plant
Oncidium Tsiku Marguerite 'NN #1' (Disappointment)‡
Cause(s) of death: was never actually happy, probably underwatered (?)
Ophiopogon planiscapus 'Niger' (Disappointment)‡
Cause(s) of death: spider mites, chronic underwatering, finished off by badly-timed repotting
Osmanthus fragrans (Disappointment/Resident)†
Cause(s) of death: unknown + spider mites
Oxalis triangularis (Disappointment)‡
Cause(s) of death: given away or sold
Pachycereus marginatus (Resident/Success)
Pachyphytum NOID (Resident)‡
Cause(s) of death: boring, annoying growth habit
Pachypodium lamerei (Favorite)
Pandanus amaryllifolius (Disappointment)‡
Cause(s) of death: mealybugs; rot, spider mites, badly-timed repotting
Pandanus veitchii, both plain green and variegated (Favorite)
Paphiopedilum Supersuk 'Eureka' x Paph. Raisin Pie 'Hsinying' x Sib (Disaster/Disappointment)‡
Cause(s) of death: it super-sucked (never very happy; either over- or underwatered)
Parodia microsperma (Disappointment)‡
Cause(s) of death: inadequate light, ugly
Pedilanthus tithymaloides (Resident)†
Cause(s) of death: ineradicable fungus (and believe me, I tried)
Pedilanthus (tithymaloides?) 'Silver Star' (Resident/Success)†
Cause(s) of death: ineradicable fungus
Pedilanthus x 'Jurassic Park 2' (Resident)‡
Cause(s) of death: ineradicable fungus, insufficient light, never seemed happy though it was here for several years
Pelargonium x hortorum 'Moonlight Dark Pink' (Disaster)‡
Cause(s) of death: insufficient light, ugly
Pelargonium x hortorum 'Mrs. Pollock' (Disappointment/Resident)‡
Cause(s) of death: insufficient light, ugly
Pelargonium x hortorum 'Vancouver Centennial' (Resident)‡
Cause(s) of death: insufficient light, ugly
Pellaea rotundifolia (Disaster)‡
Cause(s) of death: underwatering
Pellionia pulchra (Resident)†
Cause(s) of death: boring, annoying growth habit, overwatering/rot
Peperomia argyreia (Disaster/Disappointment)‡
Cause(s) of death: ugly, overwatering
Peperomia caperata, various cvv., several times (Disappointment)‡
Cause(s) of death: underwatering; overwatering; ugly; annoying growth habit
Peperomia clusiifolia (Success/Favorite)†
Cause(s) of death: boring, possible root rot, uprooted self a lot
Peperomia clusiifolia 'Rainbow' (Disappointment/Resident)†
Cause(s) of death: ugly, was never happy
Peperomia ferreyrae (Success)‡
Cause(s) of death: boring
Peperomia glabella (Success)‡
Cause(s) of death: given away or sold; annoying growth habit, boring, exposed to scale
Peperomia griseoargentea NOID (new growth was pink-orange) (Disappointment)‡
Cause(s) of death: overpotted
Peperomia 'Mini-Melons' (Resident/Success)‡
Cause(s) of death: overwatering
Peperomia obtusifolia 'Gold Coast' (Resident)†
Cause(s) of death: overwatered; ugly
Peperomia obtusifolia, variegated (Resident/Success)
Peperomia orba, variegated (Disaster)‡
Cause(s) of death: overwatered, cold
Peperomia pereskiifolia (Success/Favorite)
Peperomia rugosa (Success/Favorite)‡
Cause(s) of death: underwatered
Peperomia verschaffeltii (Disappointment)‡
Cause(s) of death: ugly, boring, underwatered
Pereskia aculeata var. godseffiana (Success)
Persea americana (Disappointment/Resident)‡
Cause(s) of death: boring, ugly
Phalaenopsis NOID (Success)
Philodendron 'Autumn' (Disappointment/Resident)‡
Cause(s) of death: underwatered, ugly
Philodendron bipennifolium (Disappointment)‡
Cause(s) of death: ugly, annoying growth habit
Philodendron bipinnatifidum (Resident/Success)
Philodendron brandtianum (Disappointment)‡
Cause(s) of death: never happy, ugly (possibly inadequate heat and humidity)
Philodendron 'Congo Green' (Success)‡
Cause(s) of death: scale-exposed, boring
Philodendron erubescens (?) 'Golden Emerald' (Success/Favorite)
Philodendron erubescens 'Red Emerald' (Success)
Philodendron gloriosum (Success)
Philodendron hastatum (Disappointment)†
Cause(s) of death: ugly
Philodendron hederaceum (Success)
Philodendron hederaceum 'Brasil' (Favorite)
Philodendron hederaceum 'Frilly Philly' (Success)
Philodendron hederaceum NOID chartreuse cv. (Favorite)
Philodendron hederaceum micans (Favorite)
Philodendron hederaceum NOID (green w/ dk. green speckles) (Success)
Philodendron 'Imperial Green?' (Resident/Success)‡
Cause(s) of death: scale-exposed, boring
Philodendron 'Imperial Red?' (Disappointment/Resident)‡
Cause(s) of death: ugly, long slow decline from unknown causes
Philodendron mexicanum (Favorite)
Philodendron 'Moonlight' (Resident)
Philodendron pinnatifidum 'Spicy Dog' (Success)‡
Cause(s) of death: annoying growth habit, too big, stem injury
Philodendron squamiferum (Resident)†
Cause(s) of death: scale
Philodendron xanadu (Disaster)‡
Cause(s) of death: ugly, bacterial rot
Pilea cadierei (Success)†
Cause(s) of death: boring, ugly
Pilea depressa (Resident/Success)‡
Cause(s) of death: given away or sold; boring, ugly, annoying growth habit
Pilea involucrata (?) 'Norfolk' (Disappointment)‡
Cause(s) of death: ugly
Pilea microphylla (Resident/Success)‡
Cause(s) of death: sudden decline from unknown causes
Pilea mollis (?) 'Moon Valley' (Resident/Success)‡
Cause(s) of death: ugly, boring
Pilea nummulariifolia (Resident/Success)‡
Cause(s) of death: given away or sold; underwatered
Pilea peperomioides (Disappointment)‡
Cause(s) of death: was never happy, unknown cause of death
Pilosocereus pachycladus (Success/Favorite)
Platycerium sp. (suspected of being P. bifurcatum) (Disappointment/Resident)‡
Cause(s) of death: was never actually happy, overpotted?, underwatered
Plectranthus amboinicus (Success)
Plectranthus ciliatus (Disappointment)‡
Cause(s) of death: ugly, overwatered, inadequate light
Plectranthus oertendahlii (Resident)‡
Cause(s) of death: overwatered, boring, annoying growth habit, cold; given away or sold
Plectranthus verticillatus (Favorite)
Plectranthus x 'Mona Lavender' (Disappointment/Resident)‡
Cause(s) of death: inadequate light, underwatered, transplant fail, cutting fail; given away or sold
Podocarpus macrophyllus (Resident/Success)‡
Cause(s) of death: underwatering; scale; given away or sold
Pogonantherum paniceum (Disaster)‡
Cause(s) of death: underwatering
Polypodium aureum 'Mandianum' (Favorite)†
Cause(s) of death: scale
Polypodium grandiceps (Resident)‡
Cause(s) of death: boring, ugly
Polyscias balfouriana, variegated (Disappointment/Resident)‡
Cause(s) of death: never did well, ugly, spider mites
Polyscias fruticosa (Favorite)
Polyscias fruticosa 'Elegans' (Success/Favorite)
Polyscias fruticosa 'Snowflake' (Resident)
Polyscias scutellaria (Resident/Success)
Potinara Eye Candy 'Mellow Yellow' and 'Sweet Sensation' (Disappointment)‡
Cause(s) of death: unknown; neither were ever happy here
Porphyrocoma pohliana 'Maracas' (Success)
Portulacaria afra (Disappointment)‡
Cause(s) of death: ugly, underwatered and overwatered
Pseudorhipsalis ramulosa (Resident)
Pteris hybrid? (Disaster)‡
Cause(s) of death: overpotted, may have been damaged or weakened in transit, was small to begin with
Radermachera sinica (Disaster)‡‡‡‡‡‡ ALL OF THE ‡S
Cause(s) of death: slightly imperfect watering
Rhapis excelsa (Success/Favorite)
Rhipsalis ewaldiana (Success/Favorite)
Rhipsalis grandiflora (Resident/Success)
Rhipsalis NOID (Disaster)†
Cause(s) of death: cutting failed to root
Rhipsalis NOID, possibly R. rhombea (Success)‡
Cause(s) of death: boring
Rhipsalis teres var. heteroclada (Success)
Saintpaulia ionantha cvv. (many) (variable; probably Disappointment on average)‡
Cause(s) of death: overwatered; underwatered; soil overly water-retentive; rot; cold; cyclamen mites, treatment for cyclamen mites; weak to begin with, damaged during shipping; never did well; given away or sold; ugly; frustrating; horrible
Salvia elegans (Disappointment)†
Cause(s) of death: spider mites; difficult to overwinter; underwatering; overwatering; damaged when dropped; given away or sold; moved outdoors
Sansevieria cylindrica (Resident/Success)
Sansevieria hargesiana (Success)
Sansevieria trifasciata 'Bantel's Sensation,' (Disappointment/Resident)‡
Cause(s) of death: rot, inadequate light, overwatering or maybe underwatering or perhaps both
Sansevieria trifasciata 'Black Gold' (Disappointment)†
Cause(s) of death: rot, inadequate light, overwatering or maybe underwatering or perhaps both
Sansevieria trifasciata 'Black Robusta' (ID uncertain) (Disappointment)‡
Cause(s) of death: given away or sold; overwatered
Sansevieria trifasciata 'Golden Hahnii' (Disappointment)†
Cause(s) of death: given away or sold
Sansevieria trifasciata 'Hahnii' (Success)
Sansevieria trifasciata 'Hahnii Pearl Young' (Success)
Sansevieria trifasciata 'Laurentii' (Resident)†
Cause(s) of death: given away or sold
Sansevieria trifasciata NOID 'Hahnii'-type (Resident/Success)
Sansevieria trifasciata 'Moon Glow' (Disappointment/Resident)‡
Cause(s) of death: unknown
Saxifraga stolonifera (Favorite)†
Cause(s) of death: sudden decline of unknown cause
Schefflera actinophylla (Favorite)‡
Cause(s) of death: multiple injuries from being blown over outside, ugly, finished off by scale
Schefflera arboricola (Success)‡
Cause(s) of death: ugly, boring
Schlumbergera x buckleyi (Resident/Success)
Schlumbergera 'Caribbean Dancer' (Favorite)
Schlumbergera 'Exotic Dancer' (Success)
Schlumbergera NOID (light salmon/peach flowers) (Favorite)
Schlumbergera NOID (magenta flowers) (Success/Favorite)
Schlumbergera NOID (pink-lavender flowers) (Success)
Schlumbergera NOID (yellow flowers) (Success/Favorite)
Schlumbergera NOID (white flowers) (Success)
Schlumbergera 'Stephanie' (Success)
various Schlumbergera seedlings (Success)
Scindapsus pictus (Success)
Sedum burrito (Resident/Success)‡
Cause(s) of death: never liked that well, annoying growth habit
Sedum morganianum (Success)
Sedum rubrotinctum (Success)‡
Cause(s) of death: inadequate light, annoying growth habit
Sedum rubrotinctum 'Aurora' (Disappointment)‡
Cause(s) of death: never did well, probably at least partly because of inadequate light. Also annoying growth habit
Selenicereus anthonyanus (Disappointment/Resident)‡
Cause(s) of death: scale; ugly, little to no growth
Selenicereus chrysocardium (Success/Favorite)
Sempervivum 'Red Beauty' (Disappointment)‡
Cause(s) of death: given away or sold; ugly; over- or underwatered or both
Senecio crassissimus (Resident/Success)‡
Cause(s) of death: inadequate light leading to ugly
Senecio jacobsenii (Disappointment/Resident)‡
Cause(s) of death: inadequate light, boring
Senecio macroglossus (Resident/Success)‡
Cause(s) of death: annoying growth habit; given away or sold
Senecio rowleyanus (Favorite )†
Cause(s) of death: unidentified pests (tiny like spider mites, but left sticky residue like aphids or scale and didn't spin webs)
Solenostemon scutellarioides, multiple cvv. including 'Electric Lime,' 'Fishnet Stockings,' 'Glennis,' 'Kingswood Torch,' 'Kong Rose,' 'Peter Wonder,' Quarterback,' 'Rainbow Mix,' 'Saturn,' 'Splish Splash,' 'Tilt a Whirl' (Disappointment)‡
Cause(s) of death: being Solenostemon scutellarioides; inadequate light; underwatered; planted outside
Sophrolaeliocattleya Hazel Boyd 'Debbie' (Disaster/Disappointment)‡
Cause(s) of death: scale
Spathiphyllum cv. (dark green, smallish leaves) (Success/Favorite)
Spathiphyllum cv. (green, medium-sized leaves) (Success)
Spathiphyllum cv. (small plain green) (Disaster)†
Cause(s) of death: lack of drainage
Spathiphyllum cv. (huuuuuuuuge green leaves) (Success/Favorite)†
Cause(s) of death: overwatering/rot
Spathiphyllum NOID (chartreuse leaves; possibly 'Golden Glow') (Resident/Success)
Stapelia gigantea (Favorite)
Stapelia variegata (= Orbea variegata) (Resident/Success)
Stenocereus pruinosus (Success/Favorite)
Stenocereus thurberi (Success)
Strelitzia juncea (Resident/Success)
Strelitzia nicolai (Favorite)†
Cause(s) of death: given away or sold; scale; too big for location
Strelitzia reginae (Success)
Streptocarpus 'Purple Martin' (Disaster/Disappointment)‡
Cause(s) of death: underwatering? too warm? dry air?
Streptocarpus saxorum 'Good Hope' (Disaster/Disappointment)‡
Cause(s) of death: not an established plant, possibly damaged in shipping
Streptocarpus 'Tanager' (Disappointment)‡
Cause(s) of death: underwatering? too warm? dry air?
Stromanthe sanguinea (?) 'Magic Star' (Success/Favorite)
Stromanthe sanguinea (?) 'Triostar' (Success/Favorite)
Synadenium grantii (both regular green cv. and red-purple cv. rubrum) (Resident)†
Cause(s) of death: ineradicable fungus
Syngonium podophyllum (ID uncertain; probably one of the 'Allusion' series) (Disappointment/Resident)‡
Cause(s) of death: unknown
Syngonium podophyllum 'Maria' (Disappointment/Resident)‡
Cause(s) of death: overwatering?
Syngonium podophyllum NOID, lt. pink tops with green undersides (Resident/Success)
Syngonium podophyllum NOID, maybe 'Confetti' (green leaves with pink flecks) (Success)†
Cause(s) of death: given away or sold
Syngonium podophyllum NOID, maybe 'Gold Allusion' (chartreuse leaves) (Success)‡
Cause(s) of death: given away or sold
Syngonium podophyllum 'Pigeon Schitt' (very vigorous, but variegation is disappointingly unstable, which averages out to Resident)
Tetrastigma voinierianum (Resident)‡
Cause(s) of death: damaged by a fall, annoying growth habit, never did well
Tillandsia abdita, Mexican form (Resident)‡
Cause(s) of death: given away or sold
Tillandsia cyanea (Resident)†
Cause(s) of death: sudden decline for no obvious reason, possibly overpotted and/or too wet
Tillandsia NOID (Disaster)‡
Cause(s) of death: rot?
Tolmiea menziesii (Disappointment)‡
Cause(s) of death: underwatering
Tradescantia fluminensis variegated cv. (Disappointment)‡
Cause(s) of death: boring, annoying growth habit
Tradescantia NOID (possibly T. cerinthoides?) (Success)
Tradescantia pallida (Success/Favorite)
Tradescantia pallida variegated cv. (Disappointment)†
Cause(s) of death: the spreadsheet says underwatered, but I have a hard time believing this
Tradescantia spathacea (Success)
Tradescantia zebrina, "red" cv. (Resident)‡
Cause(s) of death: boring, annoying growth habit; given away or sold
Tradescantia zebrina, "muddy" cv. (Resident/Success)‡
Cause(s) of death: boring, annoying growth habit; given away or sold
Tradescantia zebrina "standard" cv. (Resident/Success)‡
Cause(s) of death: boring, annoying growth habit; given away or sold
Vriesea NOID small hybrid cv. (Disappointment/Resident)‡
Cause(s) of death: over- and underwatering; ugly; natural senescence after blooming; rot
Vriesea ospinae var. gruberi (Resident/Success)‡
Cause(s) of death: annoying growth habit
Vriesea splendens ('Splenreit?') (Resident/Success)†
Cause(s) of death: rot, natural senescence after blooming
Yucca guatemalensis (Success/Favorite)
Yucca guatemalensis, gray-variegated cv. (Favorite)
Yucca guatemalensis, yellow-margined cv. (Favorite)
Zamia sp., probably Z. furfuracea (Favorite)
Zamioculcas zamiifolia (Resident/Success)‡
Cause(s) of death: overwatering, water-retentive soil
Zamioculcas zamiifolia 'Mini' or 'Zamicro' (Success)
Zingiber malaysianum (Resident/Success)‡
Cause(s) of death: scale, inadequate heat/humidity
Plants I've Tried
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Hmm. The two Dendrobium plants you list - do they have the actual names shown on the tags? (along the lines of Genus + grex and the 'variety' ... e.g. Dendrobium xxx 'Karen' where the xxx is currently missing)
Nope. One of them doesn't have a name at all (I'm the one who named it "Humphrey Bogart," because that's what it reminds me of; there's a post about it somewhere in the archives.
The other came with the sole ID of Dendrobium 'Karen,' nothing else. Our suppliers weren't consistent about including labels.
I have been trying to get stapeliads to grow out here in Los Angeles but I kinda suck at it. Any advice or got any posts about it? i had a stapelia giagntea and also an orbea commutata. They rot easily for me.
No full-on posts yet, no. And actually not that much advice, either. Are you trying to grow them indoors or outdoors?
Pertaining to stapelia.
Try less water! Rocky or perlite rich soil (freely draining/quick drying) with not a lot of peat. Filtered sun. I water less in hot summer and slightly more in fall spring. Good luck guy!
Colocasia missing from your list? What a cool plant, I highly recommend elephant ear!
Well, it's not missing. I've never been that interested. As a rule, I don't like plants that require a dormant period, because I don't have a good way to store dormant plants here. And I had many, many bad experiences with Alocasia and Colocasia getting spider mites at the ex-job, which soured me on them pretty much forever. I mean, I still think they're attractive and interesting plants, but I have no intention of trying to grow one inside: they're just not well-suited for the kind of care I'm willing to offer.
What went wrong growing Alpinia zerumbet variegate? It's a new plant for me and is outdoors under a tree. Currently growing rapidly and not being bothered by grasshoppers, but I'm guessing you had it inside, so I'm wondering about the coming winter.
Texas Anon
Texas Anon:
I've tried two. The first only lasted four months, but it was a half-pricer from Lowe's, and purchased in December no less, so it's not too surprising that it failed. The second lasted for a year and a half, but was slowly declining the whole time. Some of that was probably related to spider mites, which came and went. I threw it out in the end, because it had scale.
I think they're neat plants: I like the look of them. But they're awfully big, and seem to need more tropical conditions than I have here.
Thanks. Spider mites don't sound good for keeping thru the winter. I'm not sure there's room to keep it in isolation w/the croton that overwintered in a very small bathroom. Neither are small plants, but the alpinia is growing a lot wider than taller and I wasn't expecting that. It may end up too large to manage well. Wonder if the garage is an option.
Texas Anon
I found your blog while looking up Pandanus amaryllifolius and how to care for it. I'm sorry you didn't have much luck with it either. A close friend had given me one for my birthday over a year ago and I'm having a heck of a time caring for it too. It seems to like sitting out on my patio next to the pool, but it's absolutely infested with mealy bugs no matter what I do. Right now it's sitting in solitary thanks to those cursed mealy bugs! Can I ask what happened with yours since I didn't find a blog post about it?
I had it for eleven months; it never really looked like it was growing (though it did, technically, just not much). Eventually I tried to divide it and up-pot the parent, for reasons I no longer remember, and all three of the plants that resulted from that fell due to root/stem rot and spider mites. I still think it probably could be made to work indoors, but it's not something I'm especially wanting to try again, and it's certainly not as easygoing as P. veitchii.
@mr_subjunctive, I concur on the difficulty of P. amaryllifolius. Mine looks root bound and its aerial roots are going crazy. I feel like it needs to be re-potted, but I'm too afraid to move it for fear of killing it. My friend was well-meaning, but I'm a total plant newbie and am quite shocked it's lived this long. I think a large part of my success has to do with the fact that I'm lucky to live in zone 9. Thank you for the quick reply!
Read your blog about the pandan plant. I have the same experience where it didn't smell good as the description said. Even when crushed there is no fragrance. Did your plant ever turned fragrant after a little bit of growth ?
No, it never did. I can't remember for sure, but I want to say the smell doesn't happen until the leaves are heated / cooked? It was something like that, anyway.
I thought I was the only one experiencing sudden hoya death syndrome.
THIS BLOG IS AWESOME! I work at a photo studio and we have plants coming in and out all the time. I haven't really cared for plants before this job, so I don't know what i'm doing most of the time. The information here is so good and enjoyable to read, thank you thank you.
Mr Subjunctive. A sincere thank you for your blog. Pertinent and impertinent, dedicated, imaginative, honest, and with undying affection for indoor tropicals, even the ones cheeky to no fault. A definite breath of fresh air from the all too often matronly, stiff, desperate stepford wives approach to writing about plant care especially here in France. Again many thanks.
cause of death..ugly?
Sometimes, yes. ("Ugly" = The plant doesn't have pests, the roots are intact, I'm giving it the best care I'm capable of, but it looks like crap anyway and I want to throw it out.)
I just love this list. Thanks so much for your blog even though no new posts these days, still it's a great source of info, amusement and hope perhaps. :-)
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