In October 2007, Wonderful Co-Worker (WCW) gave me a Clivia offset. It looked like this:
I knew it was too small to bloom, but I like Clivia foliage anyway: it didn't matter to me whether it ever got around to producing flowers. And at this point you can probably tell where this post is going, so . . .
I don't know why it decided to bloom
this year: it spent the winter near a window in the plant room, and I know cooler temperatures are necessary for
Clivias to set buds, so that might be related, but on the other hand, it's been in the same general part of the plant room since we first got the plant room set up, however long ago that was (2010ish?). For several of those years, it lived on the floor in the corner of the room, which was surely cold enough in the winter, but might have been too dark. I don't remember how long ago it was moved up to a shelf, where it gets some direct afternoon sun, but that might have done the trick too.
Or, possibly, the plant was just picking up on the recent, much more
Clivia-friendly vibe in the house since February.
In any case. The plant's only been an actual
problem once: it got scale this winter. Hand-wiping the leaves, plus dosing the plant with imidacloprid, seems to have solved that problem. There has also been some thrips damage, which isn't quite a
problem, but is still irritating. (The petals are too thick for the thrips to do deep damage, and it's not particularly visible from a moderate distance away, but I'm still not happy about it.)
I've tried to spray the flowers with soapy water and then regular water, once. It didn't completely eliminate the thrips, but it does seem to have
helped, a little. I'd do it again, except the rinse cycle snapped a petal off one of the flowers. Not that one petal is that big of a deal, but between that and worrying that I'll wash all the pollen out of the flowers and be unable to pollinate them, I'm probably not going to try it again until the flowers are nearly spent.
Thrips-related disappointment aside, I've been really happy about the flowers. I sincerely
do like the foliage for itself, and sincerely
don't care all that much about whether the plants flower, but they're lovely, and it's been such a long wait that I rarely even thought about it as a plant that was
capable of flowering. So the flowers have been a nice surprise.
They are, alas, not terribly long-lived -- I first noticed the buds on 5 June,
the first flower was open on 7 June, and the first flower started to shrivel and die on 16 June. As I write this, it is 18 June, and there are still three buds on the stalk that have not yet opened, so there should be
something still there for another couple weeks, but the blooming process seems to zip by really quickly. Probably I'm just spoiled by the
Anthuriums. In any case, having accidentally figured out how to get flowers once, perhaps I won't have to wait a decade for it to happen again.