This particular orchid is unknown to the orchid registry where I usually confirm names, or at least it was as of a year ago, when I was looking for IDs on the 2013 batch. I found plenty of orchids named "Tequila Sunrise" (Cymbidium, Miltoniopsis, Phalaenopsis, Dendrobium, Rhyncholaeliocattleya), but Tolumnia wasn't among them. So I can't tell you what the parents are for this one.
And that is all I can say about
Tolumnia Tequila Sunrise.
I came very, very close to not going to the orchid show this year,
1 but I went. And it was . . . okay? Every year, it feels like the show is smaller than the year before, though I don't think it's actually changing in size; I think there's just something weird about the way I store orchid show information in my brain. (I also always think that I got better pictures than in previous years, which never turns out to be true either.)
Compared to previous years, the 2014 pictures seem unusually heavy on pink, purple, and shades in between, and unusually light on yellows and oranges. I tried to get fewer
Paphiopedilum and
Phragmipedium photos,
2 though I wasn't entirely successful. I tried to get
more Masdevallia pictures, but I don't think I succeeded at that either: there just weren't that many there, and the ones that were there weren't actually that interesting. Certainly nothing anywhere near
Masdevallia Sunset Jaguar 'Night Breed,' which I would have loved to have seen again.
Regular posting will remain slow for the next week or two, while I sift through and upload this year's batch of photos. I'm hoping I'll be done with that by the time I run out of 2013 photos (at the end of March).
While in the Quad Cities, we also went to Home Depot, because I wanted to get a bunch of Glidden paint color cards. The reason is weird,
3 and I felt really conspicuous and self-conscious about doing it, with the result that I was too distracted to pick up any yellows.
4 Then I felt bad about coming to the store just to load up on paint cards,
5 so I wound up buying an
just like last year. $10 for a 4-inch pot (which seems to have become standard around here), but the color
6 is unusual,
7 and if it's interfertile with the plants I already have, it'll be good for breeding purposes.
The tag didn't include a variety name, and a trip to the Westland Greenhouses website didn't turn up any possible cultivars, but I e-mailed the company yesterday and they said it was
Anthurium '
Joli.' I also learned from their website that, however unlikely it sounds, my 'Joli' was
grown in Grand Bend, Ontario. Which I am still trying to get my head around. (How is heating a greenhouse in Ontario not prohibitively expensive? How can Ontario compete with Florida?)
Not only are they Canadian and prompt to reply to e-mails, but the instructions on the Westland Greenhouses tag are much, much better than
the instructions from the Just Add Ice tag, and includes "don't place in direct sunlight during the summer months" and "add fertilizer once after every six waterings." Neither of those are
exactly what I'd recommend, and of course "better than the Just Add Ice care instructions" is a very low bar to clear, but I am nevertheless pleased, and give you permission to purchase Westland-grown
Also making me happy is the tag's shape. Perhaps I have a smutty mind, but, well -- you can see it, right?