I couldn't find anything about Wirat Blue at the International Orchid Register, which makes me question if it's a real name or not.
There's a Vanda Wirat, for example, and if you do a Google search for Vanda Wirat, you get a lot of hits for both Wirat Blue and Wirat Pink, neither of which are in the IOR. Could it be that the Wirat cross produced offspring which were blue (or at least "blue," the aspirational name given to certain shades of purple in the horticultural world) and other seedlings which were pink? Or is it more complicated than that? I don't know.
I suppose the important thing is that Vandas are pretty.
Friday, January 18, 2013
Pretty pictures: Vanda Wirat Blue
Monday, January 14, 2013
Pretty picture: Paphiopedilum NOID
So. Much. White.
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Imidacloprid has now been added to all the plants in the basement, so the only thing left to do is wait and see if more scale show up. I bought two more pounds of imidacloprid last Wednesday: one pound I opened but only used a tiny bit of, and the other I didn't open at all and could probably return to the store. The question now is whether to be an optimist and return the latter, or be a pessimist and use the nearly two remaining pounds to dose some more plants (maybe everything in the plant room?), on the off chance that that might make anything better.
Actually it's not that much of a question. We already know I'm a pessimist.
Not that I'm telling the plant collection what to do or anything, but remember how last summer when everything was horrible, and then the Epiphyllum and Clivia both bloomed and I was all like okay, I guess I can't stay mad at you, and things got better for a while? This would be a really excellent time for the Eucharis to decide to grow a flower. I'd even accept one of the Begonias, or Aechmea fasciatas. In my wildest dreams, maybe the Brassolaeliocattleya (still, inexplicably, alive) or Selenocereus chrysocardium. I do feel like the collection owes me something for all this.