Okay, so it's not amazing. But still, there's a tiny shoot of this thyme plant that's marbled green and white, which is kind of cool. Also it smells nice.
It looks like the variegation is weak: one of the side shoots on the affected stem has reverted to all-green already (there was also one that was all-white). But still. Thyme was already my favorite herb, because there are better pun possibilities with it than any of the others (in fact, not too long ago I attended a Halloween party as a waste of thyme: two plastic containers of thyme, tied to a length of yarn and hung over my shoulders -- and at the end of the evening, I threw it all away.1, 2), so seeing the plant does interesting variegation stuff too only solidifies my appreciation.
The husband prefers basil. Whatever. Like you can make puns with the word "basil."
1 It was kind of conceptual. Also I have never been able to get it together to make, buy or wear an actual Halloween costume of any kind, though in fairness that's at least somewhat because most years I have to work Halloween night and it wouldn't matter if I had a costume ready or not. So costumes, when I make the effort at all, tend to be extremely cheap and slapdash.
It is perhaps also worth noting that I have been heavily influenced by something a college friend told me once, that the only Halloween costumes worth wearing are those which can be rapidly shed in the event that one wants to dance, eat, go to the bathroom, look remotely dignified, flee a burning building, or any of the other things people sometimes need to do on short notice. Which seemed like a sensible rule, actually, but means that I wouldn't be inclined to get terribly elaborate with a costume even if I had the means and inspiration.
2 The original plan had been to pour glue on the backs of my hands and then sprinkle the glue with dried thyme before the glue dried. The name of this costume, obviously, being "guy with a lot of thyme/time on his hands." It was eventually ruled too messy, as were the plans to dress up as "a walking thyme/time bomb." Perhaps some year the husband and I can dress up as "Thyme/Time and Again," or a "thyme-line," "from thyme to thyme," "standard thyme," etc. The possibilities are nearly endless. I could sit here and list them until the end of thyme/time.