Friday, December 7, 2007

Question for the hive mind: Ananas comosus

The husband and I bought this a few days ago, with the intention of trying to plant the crown. It looked fine, if a little unripe, for the first couple days, but then it started to do this, where all the leaves started dying back from the tips down. There's a very good chance that it got really cold, if only for a short period. I haven't done this before (I wasn't actually planning on doing it ever, but the grocery store had pineapples at about half the price they usually are, so I thought if I was ever going to try, now was the time.), so I'm a little unclear about how to go about it, but what has me more concerned at the moment is, I'm wondering if the leaves beginning to die back means that it's already no good. Thoughts? Opinions? Questions?


Anonymous said...

Mine did this, leaves turned brown and died back while it was rooting in water. Once planted, the new growth all came out green and beautiful.

MrBrownThumb said...

Same here. Mine died back but I've already managed to stop or lessen that effect by making a humidity tent.

mr_subjunctive said...

Hmm. Well, I guess we'll see how it goes. Either I get a new plant, or we're eating a lot of pineapple for a while.

Anonymous said...

I had one of these doing that, I took sharp sissors and cut them off at an angle where they were brown, just to make it look better.

It didn't seem to do any damage to the plant.