Monday, January 26, 2009

Pretty picture: Crocus 'Pickwick'

Not a lot to be said about these; I think they pretty much speak for themselves. Before seeing these, I wasn't actually aware that Crocuses could be more than one color like this. (I've lived a sheltered life, when it comes to crocuses.) So I was impressed.

I also got a closeup of the stigma, just 'cause I thought it was interesting. Also 'cause I knew if I photographed it, I'd be able to look at it more closely than if I just looked at it, and I was curious about how it was put together. It actually turned out to be quite pretty besides.


Anonymous said...

Hi Mr. Sub, these are a favorite here, coming back reliably despite living in the midst of a vole kingdom. The flowers are larger than most of my other crocus, but they also are a bit later to bloom. I agree, the stigma is ornate and much more interesting in a photo where it can be appreciated.

Anonymous said...

Hi Mr Subjunctive,

Just writing you from Toronto and discovered your blog while searching for plant information on Google. It's so nice to see pictures of beautiful flowers and plants at such a cold, bland time of the year.

I hate to bug you on the comments page, but I have a lovely little plant someone gave me yesterday as a birthday present. And I have NO clue what it is. My friend told me it produces flowers, but there aren't any buds or blooms as yet.

I know you're busy - and are constantly asked to ID plants - but would you mind taking a look at the picture, if you had a chance? I've actually posted it to my blog here:

Any clues to the name of this plant would be awesome (and then I can do my own online research for its care)!

Thanks very much!