Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Random pretty plant event picture: Schlumbergera NOID flower

This is the first of the Schlumbergeras to open; it's also the one that gets the most sun, because it's got a southern exposure. I also, as chance would have it, have another one (a different variety, though) getting western light, and a third one getting north (plus a little west) light, and the buds appear to be developing in the same sequence: south, then west, then north.

This is not particularly surprising, and could still be a coincidence -- for all I know, the variety in the picture might just be an especially rapid flowerer, and the one in the north window might be unusually slow -- but it's an observation, so I'm reporting it.

I couldn't decide, for titling purposes, whether this was a random plant event that happened to also be a pretty picture, or a pretty picture that was also a random plant event, so I split the difference.


CelticRose said...

Very pretty. :-)

A couple of folks on the CactiGuide forum have this variety blooming right now too.

our friend Ben said...

Ha! I like the title split, Mr. S.! And you're way ahead of me bloom-wise (mine are in an East-facing window and on a West-facing table, so they always bloom late).

Monica said...

I love flwoers a lot.

Rosemary Waigh said...

Wow, that is the prettist Schlumbergera flower I have ever seen!

Aaerelon said...

Our plants in the UWO Greenhouses have started to flower as well. Mine at home is covered with dozens of buds. One has dropped off and I'm hoping it's just an isolated incident. I've had them all drop before and it was a little devastating. The flowers really are beautiful!

Phillip Oliver said...

That is a beautiful flower!

Anonymous said...

Please, don't forget to post the other varieties when they'll be blooming! :)
The more I see them, the more I like them.

Anonymous said...

Do you still grow this NOID?

mr_subjunctive said...


No, and I can tell you when it got thrown out: 5/25/11. The official reason as recorded on the spreadsheet is "long slow decline for unclear but probably watering-related reasons," which I sort of vaguely remember -- it was only ever a single cutting, I think, and I had it in a 4-inch clay pot, which is probably 1) too big of a pot for a single cutting, and 2) too quick-drying for a Schlumbergera that was only going to be checked every two weeks. So probably it got too dry, too often, for too long, and the roots died.