Awfully similar to Paph. St. Swithin (which may be my favorite orchid of all time), though not quite as dramatic. A little more colorful, perhaps.
In blogular news, I have my fingers crossed that the Ficus elastica profile will publish tomorrow. As I write this on Tuesday morning, it's basically complete, and all that's left is:
- getting a couple more photos (should take about 90 min.)
- sorting through some existing photos and then sorting through the couple more photos I need to get (about 60 min.)
- uploading, placing and captioning photos (about 30 min.)
- inserting the code for the footnotes (about 15 min.)
- writing the list of references (about 45 min.)
- writing a concluding paragraph or two (no idea; conclusions are always hard)
- final proofread to make sure it all flows and doesn't repeat itself overly much (about 90 min.)
Which I realize that doesn't make it sound close to complete, but compared to how much time has gone into it already, this is the home stretch.
And if not, well, maybe Friday. (UPDATE: It was Thursday.)
I have been SOOOO looking forward to the Ficus post. Also, please know that I (and I hope I speak for many of your readers) appreciate the time and care and opportunity cost that goes into crafting this blog.
What River Otter said!!!!
It kills me that you work so hard and don't get paid for it.
Readers--click the DONATE button and se d this man some money!
It's a lot of work, isn't it? I've been doing this for over a year and while it's been a fun's A LOT of work.
Sometimes it is, sometimes it's not. Watering my plants generally feels like more work than maintaining the blog. (Watering my plants is also one of the two main reasons why the plant profiles have been less frequent in the last couple years.)
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