Friday, November 23, 2012

Random plant event: Euphorbia milii hybrid

I've only had this since May, but somehow it seems like a lot longer. When I got it, as an unrooted cutting, it had a pair of flowers on it but no leaves; once the flowers dropped, it started growing leaves like crazy, but no flowers. I guess I must have given it a particularly strong dose of fertilizer a week or two ago, because suddenly it's regrowing flowers.

The original flowers were a mix of red and yellow, so I'm guessing the plant is telling me that it would like stronger light. Still, though. It's a really nice yellow. I'm not complaining.


Peter said...


Liza said...

I love those charming little flowers!

Tom said...

Does it have giant leaves or is it a tiny cutting? If those are giant leaves then I'm in love!

mr_subjunctive said...


It's big leaves. The pot is a little over 2 inches on a side; the longest leaves are close to 5 inches long. Its older sibling -- a cutting from the same plant -- has leaves about 6 inches long.

My guess is that it's probably one of the so-called "Thai hybrids," like the one I describe here.

Sunita Mohan said...

One of the happiest moments in a gardener's life has to be when a plant you've almost given up on suddenly starts blooming its head off. I'm glad you got the Euphorbia to over-perform.