I've mentioned it before, but it bears repeating: I cannot wait for the day when every combination of "good" words has been used up for orchid hybrids, and the hybridizers have to resort to names like:
Rhyncholaeliocattleya Booger 'Donkey Ladle'
Paphiopedilum Soulless Infection 'Cthulhu'
Phalaenopsis Cursed 'Honk Fart.'
It's gonna happen someday. Maybe not in our lifetimes, but someday.
They'll probably still be pretty, though. A rose by any other name and all.
Rhyncholaeliocattleya Seto Rainbow 'Fantasy' = Cattleya Irene's Song x Rhyncholaeliocattleya Hawaiian Lightning
Now that is stunning flower :)
My ambition is to make a hybrid in the genus Chysis, so that i can register it as Chysis Foiled Again.
I'd probably buy a "Paphiopedilum Soulless Infection 'Cthulhu'". The Mythos ROCKS!
Mind you orchid people are already pretty strange - given that there is already a genus Dracula, so naturally someone had to name a species vampira!
Check this out: http://www.hawkhillorchids.com/dracs.html
Ciao, KK.
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