Went to Cedar Rapids yesterday because I desperately needed to get out of the house. Wound up going everywhere else, too, which kind of sucked (hot), but in the process I managed to get a new Haworthia.
It was labeled H. coarctata but is definitely not, if Google is to be believed. It might be a Haworthia, though, still. Either that or an Aloe. I'll put up a picture sooner or later. Anyway. Even though it's both a liar and a plain-looking plant, I kind of like it. New plants are always good for a short-term pick-me-up, and it has a certain subtle je ne sais quoi about it that I like.
Of course, the je ne sais quoi in question could be mealybugs. One never knows, with je ne sais quois, which is why the quoi is so hard for je to sais.
And anyway, it could have been a much more outrageous liar: I found some Asplundia 'Jungle Drum' plants at Lowe's that were tagged Calathea something-or-another. Every one of the five or so they had: it's not like a customer just switched a couple tags around. Someone gave them those tags, on purpose. Lowe's is so bad at getting the right tags on the plants that I marvel that they're even still trying.1
Anyway. There are pictures!
(The previous transmitted light posts can be found here.)

1 It may actually be Exotic Angel that's taking the tag, schmag approach to plant-labeling: almost every outrageous example I can think of was with an Exotic Angel tag. I'm not saying that they don't maybe have a lot going on at EA, and that there might be things that are more important to them than having all the plants identified correctly, especially considering that a lot of customers won't care anyway. And I know that it can't be easy to meet the considerable needs of the nation's big box stores, and it's also true that the plants -- at least the tropical foliage plants -- are generally in pretty good shape, and attractive, and they don't just poof into existence that way, they have to be watered and transported and fertilized and all that. But they're so bad with the ID tags that I wish they would stop trying, if they're not going to be any more conscientious about matching them up than this. It's not as though there aren't ways to tell them apart.
It is probably Exotic Angel that is messing up the tags. No matter where I look at plants, the tags on EA varieties are totally wrong at least 75% of the time. And that is a lot of places: When I lived in New York, not only did the box stores carry EA varieties, but so did at least two privately owned nurseries I frequented, as well as the shop at the Brooklyn Botanic Gardens.
My expectations are so low at this point that I'm impressed when the EA tags at least match the genus, never mind the species or cultivar.
Oh, and the transmitted light pics are lovely, as always. Love the coleus. I also really like the new, bolder header to the blog.
I also must agree that the Exotic Angels stuff is at fault. I think sometimes they just make stuff UP !!
I always wind up with some plant that in the long run is no where near what they say they are on the tag.
as for Lowes , they very rarely even CARE about the labels. I am surprised a lot of the plants survive at all there.
(I am a mostly dead scavenger , and Lowes has a LOT of mostly dead plants for deep discounts)
Ngh. Wrongly labelled plants drive me crazy. Takes a lot of self-control not to grumble at innocent DIY store employees because the Scindapsus pictus is included in the "Philodendron mix" (along with Ph. hederaceum and Epipremnum aureum. I know it's not their fault.
What I love, on the other hand, is finding wrong tags in the school greenhouse (I just finished horticultural school today, hooray!) and knowing what it really is. Just last week I informed the greenhouse teacher that her "Portulaca grandiflora was in fact an Aptenia cordifolia
Also: There are variegated Beaucarneas? I want!
You've got some je ne sais quoi yourself!
Big, old spaths need to move to big, old houses--or the nearest Neiman-Marcus (where they look nice next to the escalators).
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