Thursday, June 30, 2011

Pretty picture: Sophrolaeliocattleya Jewel Box 'Dark Waters'


I promise I'll post BGR #41 tomorrow. It's taken a lot more work to put together than I was anticipating. Please don't shun me, or whatever it is y'all do to punish people who post late.

Meanwhile, here is an orchid.


nycguy said...

Nitpickingly, and strictly-speakingly, this is SLC Jewel Box "Dark Waters". The hybrid is SLC Jewel Box, and this plant is a piece of its clone "Dark Waters".

mr_subjunctive said...


Fair enough. "Dark Waters" is all the ID the plant had at the orchid show. (Orchid show people are apparently incredibly lazy when it comes to names. Seems like almost everything I took pictures of had misspellings or parts of the name left out or obsolete names or something.)

NYcram said...

This is a really well-known hybrid in the orchid world, because it's really attractive, (relatively) easy to grow, flowers reliably, and grows into a specimen plant quickly.

Orchid shows attract an odd collection of people. The hobbyist exhibitors are there to show off to their orchid-growing friends, and to get ribbons, and don't care about the other visitors. The commercial exhibitors are there to sell, but somehow never manage to coordinate what they exhibit and what they are selling. They know how to sell to the insiders and how to sell to people who don't yet have a clue, but are very cutting to those in-between, who've been bitten by the hobby but aren't experts yet.

The orchid society sees shows as a way of proselytizing, but the actual orchid people there often behave in ways that sabotage the purpose of the show.

Sally said...

Oh, yes, 'we all' are tough customers... Seems to me I've delivered BGRs well into the following month without horrendous repercussions. I'd say you have 24-48 hours at least! (But we are looking forward to it, even if we're patient.) Thanks, Mr. S...

Anonymous said...

I'm enjoying the orchid pics, in part because I"m far from home while a few of mine are blooming. I particularly like the interesting reds.