Friday, October 28, 2011

Pretty picture: Rhyncholaeliocattleya Sea Swirl

This orchid is neither marine nor swirly. Take it back and bring me another one immediately.


orchideya said...

Oh no, wrong color! The Sea Swirl is supposed to be green, not this buttery yellow. Perhaps this picture does not deliver correct color of the bloom?

Paul said...

There are times I do seriously wonder what motivated a person to name a hybrid what they do .....

Nice fringes on the lip -- not as impressive as Rhyncolaelia digbyana (one of the parents or grandparents of this hybrid) but still neat.

mr_subjunctive said...


Very likely; that was actually sort of a recurring problem with the whole 2011-orchid-show batch of pictures. I was trusting the automatic color adjustment on the camera, and for some reason it was flipping endlessly between everything being too blue or everything being too yellow.

I adjusted the colors as best as I could with Irfanview once I got home and uploaded them, but this particular picture looks like it was just crap from the beginning; based on your comment, I re-opened the photo and tried to fiddle with it some more, but I couldn't get the flower to look even remotely green without turning the background some obviously inaccurate color as well.

So: probably the camera, though it might be that it was an unusually yellow specimen to begin with.

orchideya said...

Sorry, I didn't mean to cause you a trouble of all the color adjustments with my comment. The picture is still very pretty and it also could be particularly yellowish specimen:).

mr_subjunctive said...


It wasn't a big deal and didn't take long to play around with the photo.

I did a Google image search for this orchid, and my picture is within the range of colors I found; whatever the actual color might be, they seem to photograph fairly yellow.

orchideya said...

You are right! They do photograph quite yellow almost everywhere on the web... I take all my words back.