Paphiopedilum Pinocchio is a primary hybrid (hybrid between two species, as opposed to a hybrid of a hybrid) between Paphiopedilum glaucophyllum × Paphiopedilum primulinum. I can't say I see anything particularly Pinocchioish about the flower here, but I gave up a long time ago on expecting orchid names to make sense.
The flower looks more or less exactly like most of the primulinum pictures on Google; I can't tell from looking at it what this hybrid is getting from the P. glaucophyllum side.
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The flower looks more or less exactly like most of the primulinum pictures on Google; I can't tell from looking at it what this hybrid is getting from the P. glaucophyllum side.
Trouble with internet searches is how many mislabeled or overlap topics even image searches bring up. If you look at both primulinum and glaucophyllum, I think you will see that Pinochio gets most of its look from the glaucophyllum. Best place to look to see only species photos is Jay's Orchid Encyclopedia.
Paph primulinum:
Paph glaucophyllum:
Not sure what the hybridizer what hoping for as the two species have very similar from. However, primulinum is a cooler grower than glaucophyllum. If I recall correctly, Pinochio can grow fine in a wider temperature range -- one that covers both parents' preference.
Really? 'Cause from the pictures you linked, I still think Pinocchio looks more like P. primulinum.
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