Middle row: Epiphyllum oxypetallum, Stenocereus thurberi, Isolatocereus dumortieri.
Front row: Cereus peruvianus, Rhipsalis teres var. heteroclada (?), Schlumbergera x 'Caribbean Dancer,' Browningia hertlingiana (?), Leuchtenbergia principis.
Not present: Selenicereus chrysocardium, Selenicereus anthonyanus, Hatiora salicornioides, Mammillaria spinosissima, Parodia microsperma, Hylocereus sp., Pseudorhipsalis ramulosa, Rhipsalis ewaldiana
I was hoping to make this, like, a regular thing, after doing the first one back in 2008 (when it was the Aroid Family with bows, rather than the Cactus Family with Santa hats), but for reasons I no longer recall, it didn't work out last year, so the tradition kind of stopped before it got started.
But a few weeks ago, I was thinking of Santa hats for some reason, and it occurred to me that I could make my own tiny, plant-sized ones from construction paper and cotton balls. One thing led to another, and a couple hours later, I was taking the above picture. I have no idea what I'll do next year. (Maybe I could knit a bunch of little Christmas sweaters?)
This also begins the winter hiatus. As in 2008, I wish my readers a (in some cases retroactive) happy Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Winter Solstice, Gurnenthar's Ascendance, Festivus, Boxing Day Eve, Cephalopodmas, Monkey, mundane but not-unpleasant day of no particular significance, or combination of the above, in accordance with your religious beliefs and preferences or lack thereof.
PATSP will return on 26 December.
Now that's a bunch of festive cacti! And knitted sweaters?...this I can't wait to see! :)
Happy Holidays and Happy Hiatus, Mr. Subj.
A Merry mundane but not-unpleasant day of no particular significance to you and yours! Have fun!
Agavaceae pulling crackers?
Happy holidays, and enjoy your hiatus!
Happy holidays, Mr. S. Have a good rest. (Cute holiday photo, by the way. I like.)
You, sir, are too good to us. Those are quite the festive cacti! I hope you have a wonderful hiatus and/or whatever happens to fall within/without of it in terms of holidays.
How cute!
Enjoy your holidays!
I hope the Santa cacti bring you presents, or at least do the watering for you! Happy Holidays!
ha ha! The cactus are great.
Have a happy holiday
Is that E.oxypetallum the one you got in a trade? (from me?)
It is growing good!!
Too cute! :D
Sweaters have been done already:
Have a Happy Hiatus and a Merry Whatever! :)
Enjoy the break!
It is. And it is.
Just as well. I don't know how I'd get them on and off. And I've never knit anything more complicated than blankets (K 1 row, P 1 row) before, so that's a problem too.
Dude. That is hilarious.
Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!
Wow, you knit?! Cool! Then I'm thinking little scarves! ;)
I knit too, btw. It's always nice to run into a guy who does needlework. Society really needs to get over thinking that needlework is just for women.
Oh, my favorites ... Santa cacti! They are great! Happy hiatus Mr. S!
Well, society needs to get over a lot of things, actually, but yeah. I haven't knit anything in a long time, though, because the plants and blog don't leave time for much else.
I'm amazed at the work you put into it. Merry Cacti indeed!
Happy Holidays Mr. S!
I have to agree with CelticRose, scarves are quite easy - no more than small blankets, after all.
I've finally started to knit again after almost a year, and it's so much fun!
Happy holidays, Mr S! Come back soon.
LOL. This is the best holiday card I've seen this year.
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