Those of you who get this will, I hope, find it very funny.
(What a "stolon" is.) (Song being parodied.)
PATSP is a long-winded, intermittently humorous blog which is mostly about houseplants, particularly Anthuriums and Schlumbergeras.
As I was composing this list, I had the strong feeling that I'm leaving out something really obvious, but I couldn't figure out what. It's possible that my brain is trying to insist that flowers are leaves. It does that sometimes.
In any case, if you think of any other houseplants that aren't somewhere in this post, let me know in the comments and I'll add it.
I have decided, after three months of doing a plant-related Saturday morning post and a Nina-related Saturday afternoon post, that I can't continue to do both. It's not that Nina pictures aren't the easiest kind of post I do, but taking the pictures, uploading them to the computer, sifting through them to find the best one, cropping and tweaking the color, and then uploading them to Blogger, all takes time, and because my computer is kind of old and has a lot of crap on it, each step takes quite a bit longer than it really ought to.
I mentioned to the husband last night that I was either going to have to stop putting up plant stuff or stop posting Nina pictures on Saturdays, and he was all like, No! You can't stop doing the Nina pictures! So the plants have been given Saturdays off, and hopefully this will free up some time for me, and I'll stop whining so much.
As for the picture itself, this is from a few days ago, when I cleaned the walls of Nina's cage. I took her out and put her in a pitcher as a temporary home. Her open mouth here is partly the look of surprise it appears to be (she hadn't even been out of the terrarium in maybe six months) and partly, I think, an effort to scare me out of trying to eat her. I guess technically this worked, since I didn't eat her.
It pretty much ruined her whole day, is my impression, though she did eventually close her mouth again. I'm sure all will be forgiven once the next batch of crickets arrives.
Okay, now you may all commence with the poinsettias, Norfolk Island pines, gift-giving one-upmanship, incessant and inescapable Christmas music, elaborate light displays, "War on Christmas," family politics, schmaltzy television specials about the true meaning of Christmas, lethal Black Friday sales, War on the War on Christmas, charity solicitations around every corner, subtly racist anti-Kwanzaa/anti-Hannukah jokes, impossible Martha Stewart-type expectations, and so forth.
Just try to keep it away from me as much as you can, and I want it all cleaned up by Boxing Day.
First person to make any reference to "A Christmas Carol" will be kneecapped.
I first learned this as Streptocarpella, but now tells me that the correct name is Streptocarpus saxorum. I didn't verify this anywhere, but it seems likely enough.
I've only ever seen S. saxorum for sale in one place ("Store A"), and for some reason they have a lot of it, so I infer that it must not sell very well. Also it's clearly a pain to groom.
Dracaena marginata is right up there with Spathiphyllum cvv. and Sansevieria trifasciata as a common indoor plant that everybody grows at some point, but almost nobody ever grows well. A lot of this is because of the way they're sold: they're a common component of mixed "tropical plant" containers, where they are typically planted with things that need entirely different care,1 but even when they're on their own, retailers tend to portray them as good, dependable, low-light plants that are super-easy to take care of.
I think all four of these are Mammillaria spp., but only the first three are M. decipiens. I don't know what the last one is. The file names say differently because I was in a hurry while sorting through the pictures and didn't notice that the last one was different until I'd uploaded them to Blogger.
I'm having a tough time keeping up with the blog lately. For one thing, none of the plants here at home are doing anything very interesting, so I don't have much material for new posts. (These Mammillaria pictures are from May 2008.) I tried going to the ex-job to stock up on pretty pictures, but although they got a new order in around the beginning of November, I'm told that most of what was on it was orchids and Norfolk Island pines (Araucaria heterophylla).
The orchids sound promising until you consider that 1) they were about 80% Phalaenopsis, 2) of varieties I've photographed before, plus 3) it was a dark, rainy day (so the light was for crap) and 4) I didn't get there until about 4 PM anyway, so the sun actually set while I was there, making a crappy lighting situation considerably crappier. A couple of the poinsettia pictures turned out okay, but a lot of us would rather not be looking at poinsettia pictures this time of year -- or any other time of year, for that matter -- so I'm reluctant to use them.
And I have ideas for posts, and am in fact working on two longish posts right now, but neither of those are going well, and both have already taken weeks to write. I intend to get them finished one way or the other by Saturday, but they still need a lot of work, leaving me even less time to come up with the other three daily posts this week. And and and, when I do manage to find something to post, a lot of you aren't going to see it anyway, because U.S. Thanksgiving messes up everybody's schedules. So instead of reading PATSP, people will be traveling, waiting to travel, enjoying time with family, or trying not to kill family. Which says something about your priorities, but I'll try not to judge.
So. If it seems like I'm phoning it in with some of the posts this week, it's not because I don't love you, Canadian and other non-U.S. readers. If not for y'all, I wouldn't bother to post anything. I just don't have much to post about, and I'm fairly preoccupied and frustrated by these two large posts, which may or may not be good enough to make up for the in-phoning. Forgive me. It'll get better.
This video and band are new to me as of about five hours ago; I know nothing about them. But I kind of like it.
Found via The Celebration of Music. I found The Celebration of Music via Twitter.
I don't remember how I found Twitter.
One of the side effects of the (still-ongoing) yearbook pictures project is that I'm spending a lot of time looking around in the picture archives and discovering that I have old pictures of certain plants that I didn't realize I had, or noticing just how much plants have grown since I first put their pictures up on the blog. Stuff like that.
For example, my Ardisia elliptica looked like this in November 2007:
This is not a huge accomplishment -- Monstera deliciosa is really easy to root in water -- but something about the way the picture came out, and a complete inability to get decent pictures of my first choice for a post today (Anthurium flowers are impossible indoors: any direct source of light throws patches of glare all over the damn things), made me think this would make an okay post.
I was wrong, of course. The picture is not nearly as good as it seemed initially. But this still represents a personal accomplishment of sorts: I've been needing to do something with the parent plant of these cuttings for over a year, and kept putting it off because I didn't want to wrestle with repotting it (which is what it really needs), and these cuttings mean that at the very least, I've managed to restart the plant. Takes some of the pressure off w/r/t the parent.
This is not even remotely an exhaustive list: Mexico is big, and diverse, and is home to a substantial chunk of the world's succulents, and a really stupidly large percentage of the world's cacti. Also, the Chihuahuan and Sonoran Deserts both straddle the U.S.-Mexico border, so some of their plants do as well, which means that some of these "Mexican" plants might be perfectly normal residents of the U.S. too. Which is fine. They can do that if they want.
As before, I'm happy to add additional plants to the list, if anybody wants to suggest any in comments.
Beaucarnea recurvata (ponytail palm).
Chamaedorea metallica (metallica palm).
Echinocactus grusonii (golden barrel cactus).
Pedilanthus tithymaloides (devil's backbone).
Sedum morganianum (burro's tail, donkey tail).
Selenicereus chrysocardium (fern-leaf cactus). Also Central America.
Tradescantia zebrina cv. (wandering Jew)
Vanilla planifolia, variegated (vanilla orchid). Also in Central America, I believe.
Zamia furfuracea (carboard palm).
As far as a favorite three of these goes, well, longtime readers will not be surprised to find out that Pedilanthus tithymaloides is number one. After that it gets hard to pick, since I have all but one of these (I don't own a Vanilla) and like most of them. But the #2, 3, and 4 spots would go to Chamaedorea metallica, Astrophytum myriostigma, and Selenicereus chrysocardium, not necessarily in that order.
Not pictured:
Agave americana (also United States)
Agave attenuata (foxtail agave)
Agave victoriae-reginae (also United States)
Astrophytum ornatum
Beloperone guttata (shrimp plant)
Chamaedorea elegans (parlor palm)
Echeveria spp. (some spp.)
Euphorbia pulcherrima (poinsettia)
Graptopetalum paraguayense (ghost plant)
Mammillaria spp. (some spp.)
Pinguicula spp. (butterworts) (some spp.)
Sedum rubrotinctum (jellybean plant)
Tradescantia pallida (purple heart, purple queen)
Yucca guatemalensis (spineless yucca; still called by its old name, Y. elephantipes, quite a bit) (also Central America)
A few days ago, I posted a Question for the Hive Mind about weird growths at the base of my Cycas revoluta, and was advised to get a better picture. Which I've done, though it's too late (and opinions may differ on whether or not it's better), since I found out what they were already. But here it is anyway:
This is a really old picture, dating back to the bygone days of 2007. (How innocent we all were!) I've had it sitting around so long that I'm no longer quite sure why I didn't use it then, but I suspect the issue is that I either didn't think the quality was quite up to par (the image has faint vertical lines in it, which is something my camera used to do before I figured out how to take pictures with it not doing that) or that the flowers themselves were too similar to some other flowers I'd taken pictures of recently. I really don't remember for sure. Doesn't matter.
This is the only Colmanara I've ever seen. Other pictures I ran into on-line for this particular cross mostly appear to be a little less ruffly and a little less yellow than is shown in my picture. I couldn't tell you if this plant was different because it was mistagged (always a possibility) or cultivated differently or what. Maybe they're just variable.
Multigeneric orchids like Colmanara are usually given three names: the first (Colmanara) tells you which genera of orchid were involved in the cross (here, Oncidium, Odontoglossum, and Miltonia). The second name (Wildcat) describes a particular cross between two parents, which in this case refers to Odontonia Rustic Bridge (Odontonia = Odontoglossum x Miltonia) and Odontocidium Crowborough (Odontocidium = Odontoglossum x Oncidium). Any given cross may produce thousands of seeds, and each of the seeds, because it has inherited a slightly different batch of genes, may be subtly different from all of the others. The third name ('Bobcat') refers to a plant grown from a particular one of those seeds; all the 'Bobcat' specimens out there are clones from that one original plant.
Orchid genealogy is not a particularly interesting subject to me, but obviously both of 'Bobcat's parents were crosses as well, so the hybridization could easily go back several generations before one hits any actual species. Orchid fanciers do like to fiddle with things.
The reason why orchid names are often so weird (See the post about Goodaleara Pacific Truffle 'Surrogate Star' for complaining about weird orchid variety names. Also it's a nice flower in its own right, and is worth the trip.) is because, clearly, at some point one just runs out of descriptive words and has to resort to paging through the dictionary. I fully expect to see a Beallara Truckasaurus Matisse 'Ninja Breath' at some point very soon.